cmi5 – Adoption and Benefits State of the Industry cmi5 – Adoption and Benefits
Agenda What is cmi5? cmi5 goals Problems addressed by cmi5 State of Authoring Tools State of Learning Management Systems 14 13 12 15 17 20 19 18 11 16 9 3 2 1 4 5 8 7 6 10
What is cmi5 xAPI + “rules” = cmi5 Next generation Content To LMS interoperability specification cmi5 is the LMS use case for xAPI Next generation of SCORM and AICC Built on top of xAPI xAPI + “rules” = cmi5 13 14 12 15 17 20 19 18 11 16 8 3 2 1 4 5 9 7 6 10
cmi5 Goals Interoperability Extensibility Distributed Content Simplified tracking model vs. SCORM Defined import Extensibility Record/report content-defined data Digital data attachments Distributed Content Mobile (content does not require browser) 14 13 12 15 17 20 19 18 11 16 9 3 2 1 10 4 8 5 7 6 Interoperability cmi5 module should work the same across all LMS systems Think “SCORM Package” LMS imports course structure Supports Content as a Service (CaaS) model; you can share data across LMS systems Extensibility Unlike SCORM, the data tracked is not limited Based on xAPI, so extensions are supported Since it is xAPI, can record binary data AU can record any data it wants Share data between learning content presentations Mobile Support Again, based on xAPI, so it will support mobile
AU may make whatever additional valid xAPI statements it wants. The 9 cmi5 Verbs Launched (LMS) Initialized (AU*) Completed (AU) Passed (AU) Failed (AU) Abandoned (LMS) Waived (LMS) Terminated (AU) Satisfied (LMS) *Assignable Unit AU may make whatever additional valid xAPI statements it wants. 16 15 14 17 20 19 18 13 4 5 3 2 1 12 6 11 10 9 7 8 Launched A "Launched" statement is used to indicate that the LMS has launched the AU. It should be used in combination with the "Started" statement sent by the AU in a reasonable period of time to determine whether the AU was successfully launched. Initialized A “Initialized" statement is used by the AU to indicate that it has been fully started and should follow the "Launched" statement created by the LMS within a reasonable period of time. Suspended The AU shall record a statement containing the "Suspended" verb when the learner exits an AU without experiencing all relevant material in the AU. Resumed The AU shall record a statement containing the "Resumed" verb when the learner returns to an AU that had recorded a "Suspend" statement in the previous session Completed The AU shall record a statement containing the "Completed" verb when the learner has experienced all relevant material in an the AU. Passed The AU shall record a statement containing the "Passed" verb when the learner has attempted and successfully passed the judged activity. Failed The AU shall record a statement containing the "Failed" verb when the learner has attempted and failed the judged activity Abandoned The LMS shall use the the "Exit" statement to determine that the AU session has ended. In the absence of an "Exit" statement the LMS will make the determination if an AU abnormally terminated a session by monitoring new statement or state API calls made for the same leaner/course registration for a different AU. Waived A "Waived" statement is used by the LMS to indicate that the AU may be skipped by the Learner Terminated The AU shall record a statement containing the "Exit" verb. This statement shall be the last statement recorded by the AU in a session.
cmi5 Provides: Course Structure Content Entitlement Similar to the content package of SCORM Supports 1 or more Assignable Units (AU) Designed for interoperability across systems Content Entitlement AU developer defined “Other” 14 13 12 15 17 20 19 18 11 16 9 3 2 1 4 5 8 7 6 10
What is in it for me? Content defined data stored in LRS Pictures, video, audio recordings, documents Data sharing across content using LRS Can I get rid of those SCORM windows ? Distributed content (Content As A Service) Mobile device support 14 13 12 15 17 20 19 18 11 16 9 3 2 1 4 5 8 7 6 10
cmi5 adoption status Adopted Committed 15 14 16 13 19 20 12 18 17 11 4 10 9 8 7
State of Authoring Tools iSpring Trivantis Scorm Driver* Obsidian DominKnow 14 13 12 15 17 20 19 18 11 16 9 3 2 1 4 5 8 7 6 10
State of Learning Management Systems RISC Inc – Implemented and in production Docebo – Highlighted but not yet in production Branier – Partnership with Rustici Thrivist – K-12 system committed EthosCE – Expressed interest GingerApp – Prototyped? SCORM Engine/Cloud* 14 13 12 15 17 20 19 18 11 16 9 3 2 1 4 5 8 7 6 10
References cmi5 Specification cmi5 Overview cmi5 Runtime Example video Free AU simulator
Thanks for attending Art Werkenthin: Duncan Welder: @awerkenthin Duncan Welder: @DuncanWIV