LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT A Not-For-Profit Water Utility Established in 1954
Las Vegas, NV Approximately: 8,000 square miles 2 million residents 43 million annual visitors 4 inches annual rainfall
A growing community… 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Pop 47,000
We’re all CONNECTED through WATER.
375,000+ water meters and 110,000+ valves 79 reservoirs, basins and tanks with a storage capacity of nearly 1 billion gallons 6,500+ miles of water transmission and distribution pipelines
53 pumping stations capable of moving 200 million+ gallons per day per minute 76 production wells and 26 recharge wells capable of producing 200 million+ gallons per day Solar energy generating systems with a combined output of 3.1 megawatts
One of the nation’s lowest water leak rates The rate of main breaks is 8 times lower than the national average
Reliable, quality water. Service. Sustainability. That's what the Las Vegas Valley Water District has delivered to our desert community for more than 60 years.
Walk-in Locations (fee) LVVWD Payment Options ACH Payments Autopay ACH Mail-in Payments Lobby Check Credit Card Walk-in Locations (fee) Kiosk
Credit Card Compliance
What’s on the Horizon?
Las Vegas Valley Water District Questions? Karen Basilotta Las Vegas Valley Water District 702-258-3977