Supernova Electronics Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik 422 222 Audio Visual Center
Supernova Electronics Mission: 01. To promote acquisition of knowledge in a rapidly developing and changing society and to continually offer opportunities of upgrading knowledge, training and skills in the context of innovations, research and discovery in all fields of human endeavour by developing educational network with the use of modern communication media and technologies appropriate for a learning society. 02. To provide or arrange for training of teachers required for open and distance education system. 03. To provide for counselling and guidance to its students though web based solutions. 04. To develop web compatible Audio Video Content to reach out the students as and when they need. Supernova Electronics
Supernova Electronics Vision: 01. Making Audio Visual Content so user friendly that the students would get engaged to it and the Audio Visual Content would supplement the learning experiences, which would further develop students cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills. 02. Self Updating of technical knowledge about cutting edge communication technology.
Supernova Electronics Objectives: 01. To Produce Quality Audio Visual Content for Students as per requirements from Schools, Divisions and other sections. 02. To provide Audio Visual Support to University as required for various functions. 02. To act as an technical expert section for various Schools/Sections/Divisions on technical aspects related to production of Audio Visual Content. 03. To Educate Academician/Students about media (Presentation/Narration/Speech etc) 04. To experiment the broadcast and non broadcast channels for AV content distribution 05. To prepare and develop web compatible AV Content and to upload on web. Supernova Electronics
Supernova Electronics Profile of Audio Visual Center Profile At A Glance Task : Production of Audio-Video programmes Online and Offline AV Content Distribution Mode Manpower : 14 Persons Technical Format : Video –Digital Video Technical Format : Audio – Digital Audio No. of Videos Produced : More than 400 Nos. No. of Audios Produced : More than 1000 Nos.
Responsibilities of Center Profile of Audio Visual Center Responsibilities of Center To produce syllabus-based Audio Video programmes for Students To distribute produced Audio Video content for Online & Offline distribution To run YCMOUs web radio Yashwani To record the important events of University Functions To Provide Audio Visual Support to various Seminars, Workshops and University Functions To deliver the Video News Clippings for Press Associated Administrative and maintenance activities of various AV installations in YCMOU
Profile of Audio Visual Center Achievements Successfully conducted first FM radio Text project with All India Radio Awarded “Best Educational Programme” by UGC CEC National competition Successfully completed 2 Hrs weekly transmission from Doordarshan, Mumbai continuous for 3 years Successful distribution of ETV programmes on non-broadcast mode Successfully running YCMOUs web radio Yashwani Successfully conducted Interactive session with The then Hon . Presedent Dr. APJ Kalam Successfully conducted two way video two way audio telecast via Edusat project Successfully renederd technical support to Maharashtra Council for Educational Reasearch & Training Successfully technical support of ‘Aview ‘ video conferencing for Maharashtra State Election Commission And many more
Web Based Distribution of AV Content Profile of Audio Visual Center Web Based Distribution of AV Content Uploading of Video Programmes on Uploading of Audio Programmes on Google Drive Support of AV Content to SWAYAMPRABHA Videos are shared through Google Drive
Audio Visual Center Thank you....