Spirit of South Carolina: Seamanship and Sail Theory 8th Grade Humanities
Peak Main Gaff Gaff Throat Foremast Mainmast Jib Foresail Mainsail Staysail Main Boom Boom
Beaufort Wind Scale Measures the strength of the force of the wind!
Hoisting “Raising” Sails *face into the wind! Foresail -throat halyard -peak halyard -sheet Mainsail -main throat halyard -main peak halyard -mainsheet Jib -jib sheet
Sailing!!! *all about harnessing the wind! *adjust the sails to catch the wind and propel the boat forward
Sailing Upwind Sailing Downwind No Go Zone - In Irons Close Hauled Beam Reach Running Broad Reach Sailing Downwind
Tacking – Sailing Upwind Gybing – Sailing Downwind Bringing the bow of the vessel through the wind to move the sails on the opposite side of the ship and change the course of direction. Gybing – Sailing Downwind Changing direction of the vessel by bringing the stern through the wind.
BOW STERN Movement of the ________ across the wind!
Watch System A Watch B Watch C Watch Operations on the vessel must be carried out around the clock! Watch groups always rotate when they are on and off watch. You are responsible for knowing when you are on watch. A Watch B Watch C Watch
Daily Routine 0730 – Breakfast 0800 – Watch Change 1000 – Morning Class 1130 – Lunch 1200 – Watch Change 1400 – Afternoon Class 1730 - Dinner 1800 – Watch Change 1 hour long Anchor Watches throughout the night
The Crew Captain – responsible for the actions of the ship and safety of the crew First Mate – watch officers and report to the captain Second Mate Third Mate Head Educator – designs educational programs Cook – Food! Yum! Deckhands (3) – watch officer’s assistant
Life at Sea Courtesy Compassion Respect Integrity and Trust Close knit relationships with the Captain and Crew based on honesty and community spirit Your space – your berth is your own space. Respect others. Courtesy Compassion Respect Integrity and Trust Be Optimistic! Have Fun!
Life at Sea Trash and Conservation – limit the use of disposable items and always clean up after yourself Seasickness DRINK LOTS OF WATER
Life at Sea Man Over Board Fire Abandon Ship Safety Don’t sit on the rails Tell your watch officer before you go below Keep one hand for yourself and one hand for the ship Be cautious of the lines Station Bill – a list of assignments for all personnel aboard stating what their job is in the event of an emergency Man Over Board Fire Abandon Ship
18 Girls Embarked on a Perilous Journey throughout the ocean from St 18 Girls Embarked on a Perilous Journey throughout the ocean from St. Croix to Charleston. The way we got through it??? The Harlem Shake! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AruiTe0BugI