Agenda Overview of EL (English Language) Information Overview of EL Program at Marshall Public Schools How we identify EL students Services provided for EL students Exit from EL services Best Practices in EL education Answer any Questions
ACRONYM QUIZ EL – English Learner ESL - English as a Second Language ELL - English Language Learner EL – English Learner ELD - English Language Development ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages EFL - English as a Foreign Language ELP - English Language Proficiency SLIFE - Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education FEP - Fluent English Proficient LEP - Limited English Proficiency **TESOL - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages**
EL Fast Facts 4.85 million ELLs in U.S. schools ELLs attending schools in all 50 states 70% – speak Spanish 150 languages 85 percent of pre-kindergarten to 5th grade ELL students and 62 percent of 6th to 12th grade ELL students are born in the U.S. 350 refugee resettlement agencies across nearly all 50 states Over 60% of ELLs nationwide are from low-income families
Marshall Public Schools EL Number by Grade Park Side West Side Middle School High School K = 48 3rd = 41 5th = 22 9th = 24 1st = 56 4th = 25 6th = 16 10th = 24 2nd = 41 7th = 17 11th = 27 8th = 19 12th = 18
Marshall Public Schools Home Language Survey: Which language learn first? Which Language is most often spoken in your home? Which Language does your child usually speak? Oral Interview: (In English)(6 Questions) Admin Assistant EL Teacher School Counselor Administrator W-APT Test or W-APT test from another school district and other assessments: Reading Writing Listening Speaking
W-APT W-APT performance definitions 1 - Entering 2 – Emerging 3 - Developing 4 - Expanding 5 – Bridging 6 - Reaching
Marshall Public Schools EL Placements: Newcomer Beginner Intermediate Advanced Guidelines for Daily EL services: Grades 5-8 Newcomer 120 minutes Beginner 60 Minutes Intermediate 60 Minutes Advanced 30-60 Minutes
Marshall Public Schools Program Options for English Learners: EL Pull-Out Services EL Push-In Services Sheltered Instruction Co-Teaching Services Adult Basic Education Program Early Childhood Program Newcomers Education Program
Annual Progress Evaluation: ACCESS Assessments for EL Students: EL students will take a standardized test called ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Kindergarten through 12th grade students who have been identified as English language learners (ELLs). Kindergarten has a different test. Second year it is a computer based test. (Kindergarten) First year of new assessment scores All EL teachers have training modules and have to take a test Students are tested individually with an EL teacher. Testing window is January 30th – March 24th This test measures the child’s language proficiency in four domains: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
EXIT from EL Program Students in Grades 5-8 ACCESS and other assessment scores Reading Grade Level on MCAs Reading Grade Level on NWEAs AIMSweb testing Recommendation from EL teacher Building Administrator Parents and Students Monitored for 2-4 Years
EL Students SIOP Training SIOP: Sheltered instruction is an approach for teaching grade-level content to English Learners in a strategic ways that make the subject matter concepts comprehensible while promoting the student’ English language development. Teachers scaffold instruction to aid student comprehension of content topics and objectives by adjusting their speech and instructional tasks and by providing appropriate background information and experiences. Sheltered instruction classrooms, which may include a mix of native English speakers and English learners, or only English learners, integrated language and content while infusing sociocultural awareness.
EL Students The SIOP Model Lesson Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice and Application Lesson Delivery Review and Assessment
EL Students Create a Language-Rich Environment Simplify your Language/Use Prober Language Support Academic Language Development Discuss Word Families and How Different Forms of Words are Used Provide Students with Frequent Opportunities to Work Together, both in Pairs and Small Groups Implement an Effective Correction/Feedback Policy
EL Support Staff EL Teachers 14 EL Teachers Parent/Student Connectors High School Middle School West Side Park Side Kari Loft Lori Dyce Tifanie Hess Kristi Wiese Vikie Radloff Kari Ehlers Chris Hess Nancy Kremin Becky Regnier Stacy Abraham Erin Walerius Megan Benson Megan Benson Alison Prior Parent/Student Connectors Tina Quinones Jesus Reyes Fartun Ali Has Mu EL Coordinator
Process/Product Mrs. Vickie Radloff
Questions How long does it take for a student to become “English proficient”? What factors influence how quickly EL students learn English? What school practices support EL achievement? Is it important for EL students to have support in their first language while they learn English? What can school districts do to help EL students become English proficient and successful in school?