MARLE HALL OUTDOOR EDUCTION CENTRE Ettington C of E Primary School 19th - 22nd June 2017
THE TEAM Miss Solomon Mr Jones Teaching Assistant
Background Information North Wales Coast Marle Hall is part of Warwickshire Youth and Community Education Service and provides opportunities for Outdoor and Adventurous Activities All members of staff have the appropriate qualifications to organise and lead activities Centre is fully licensed Used by many schools in Warwickshire authorities
ETHOS Respect Teamwork Challenge Responsibility Opportunities for: Domestic challenges. Physical challenges. Social skills. Leadership skills. Collaboration skills.
Excellent activity for encouraging teamwork Canoeing Excellent activity for encouraging teamwork Everyone can participate and enjoy To move the canoe around your team will need to develop their 3 C's, communication, coordination and a great deal of cooperation. Canoes are tied together; they cannot capsize.
This is by far the most popular activity Gorge Scrambling This is by far the most popular activity Everyone will get wet and it’s always lots of fun! Once fully kitted out in buoyancy aids and helmets the team will journey up a mountain stream Through co-operating and supporting each other everyone will scramble over rocks, climb up waterfalls, wade across pools and slide down chutes.
Ropes Courses, B.L.T. The famous B.L.T. is a fantastic high rope activity for all ages Ring a Bell 15 meters up a tree Balance along a Log 5 meters off the ground Leap for a Trapeze 12 meters up A great exercise in trust and communication as each person is supported and encouraged by team mates
Learn how to light a fire using a firesteel (a bit like flint) Bushcraft Start building a shelter, perhaps using a tarpaulin or a selection of natural materials, without damaging the environment. Learn how to light a fire using a firesteel (a bit like flint) Learn what can you eat, what needs cooking, what to avoid? Learn how to make string, how to use a knife safely to whittle a peg or make your own spoon.
Arrive Marle Hall by Coach at 13.00 Wk 27 Ettington Primary School June 2017 Team 1 Team 2 MONDAY 19 pm Arrive Marle Hall by Coach at 13.00 Introductions. Tour of Centre. Kit- issue. Marle Woods Adventure and Introduction to John Muir Award eve Marle Woods Adventure and Introduction to John Muir Award Team Challenges TUESDAY 20 am Canoeing Bushcraft Nightline 1 WEDNESDAY 21 BLT Gorge Walk Low Ropes Challenge Wall THURSDAY 22 Conwy Mountain Walk Beach Study Low Ropes Beach Study Challenge Wall FRIDAY 23 RSPB Visit and litter pick 9.30 am (work towards the John Muir Award) Return kit to stores. Pack /clear centre Depart by Coach 13:00
ACCOMMODATION Staff bedrooms are next to the children Showers and toilets on the same floor as dorms Children’s common room Dining Room Drying Room
MEALS Medical form asks for special food and dietary requirements only (essential areas such as nut allergy) Plenty of food Cooked Breakfast (8:30) Packed Lunch (with choice ) Drinks and Cakes (5pm) Evening Meal (6:30pm) Drinks (9pm)
KIT LIST Do not bring best clothes, we will be likely to get wet and very dirty. Do not bring fashion items. Ensure you follow the ‘Clothing Check List’ as supplied by the centre. Children without sufficient clothing may miss out on certain activities. Do not buy specialist equipment. The centre provide waterproofs, walking boots and rucksacks. Please remember ‘named’ lunch box/container and drinks bottle. A stamp – if you would like a postcard senting home.
MEDICATION & ANY CONCERNS Travel sickness tablets Inhalers Named medicines Forms with clear instructions ALL MEDICATION TO BE HANDED TO A MEMBER OF STAFF ON THE MONDAY MORNING. Personal Issues:- Menstruation (sanitary towels) Bed Wetting Sleep Walking etc
ADDITIONAL ITEMS Maximum of £10 (in small change). Children can purchase items in the RSPB Shop and at the Tuck Shop. The amount of sweets children can buy in the evening will be limited. Children are responsible for their own money. Postage stamp. Lunch box and water bottle.
Do’s and Don’t A high standard of behaviour expected at all times. Courtesy to other users of the centre (another primary school will be there at the same time as us). Consideration for all persons in dorms. What you can take Reading Books, notebooks, diaries etc Camera (own responsibility) What you cannot take Anything electrical (no mobile phones, IPODS etc)
Transport Details Coach to leave approximately 8:30 Please ensure that you arrive at school at the time specified (details to follow) Packed Lunch required for the coach journey (no fizzy drinks) Update’s via website and school gate notices Return journey: Due to leave around lunch time and arrive back at approximately 5:00. School will text again when 20 minutes away If you have any concerns during the week, please contact school in the first instance
And Finally… Enjoy the time for yourselves, your children will be having a ball! Any Questions???