PAHO’s Strategic Framework


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Presentation transcript:

PAHO’s Strategic Framework Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop 24 October, 2009

PAHO/WHO Planning Instruments WHO General Programme of Work 06–15 (Global Health Agenda) Health Agenda for the Americas 08–17 WHO WHO Medium-term Strategic Plan 08–13 PAHO Strategic Plan 08–12 Country & Subregional Cooperation Strategies (CCS & SCS) PAHO Program and Budget 08–09 (and 10–11, 12–13) PAHO Biennial Workplans 08–09 (and 10–11, 12–13)

Health Agenda for the Americas Was elaborated by the Member States of the Pan American Health Organization Took into consideration agreed-upon international objectives and mandates Was launched in Panama City, on 03 June, 2007 through a Declaration signed by all the Ministers and Secretaries of Health of the Americas

The Health Agenda for the Americas is: Jointly adopted by the governments of the Region of the Americas A commitment to the vision of a region that is healthier, more equitable, addresses health determinants, and shows improved access to individual and collective health goods and services A response to the health needs of our peoples Complementary to the global agenda included in WHO’s 11th General Program of Work The highest-level political instrument for health in the Region A guide for the preparation of future subregional health agendas and national health plans; as well as partner organizations’ health plans A guide for the collective action of national and international stakeholders The Health Agenda for the Americas 2008-2017

AREAS OF ACTION Strengthening the National Health Authority Tackling Health Determinants Increasing Social Protection and Access to Quality Health Services Diminishing Health Inequalities among Countries and within Them Reducing the Risk and Burden of Disease Strengthening the Management and Development of Health Workers Harnessing Knowledge, Science, and Technology Strengthening Health Security The Health Agenda for the Americas 2008-2017

PAHO Planning Instruments – Timeline Health Agenda for the Americas 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 PASC* PASC PASC Health Agenda for the Americas 2008–2017 Areas of Action PAHO Strategic Plan 2008–2012 PAHO Strategic Plan 2013–2017 SP 03–07 SP 18–22 Program & Budget 06–07 Program & Budget 08–09 Program & Budget 10–11 Program & Budget 12–13 Program & Budget 14–15 Program & Budget 16–17 Program & Budget 18–19 * PASC = Pan American Sanitary Conference

PAHO Strategic Plan 2008-2012 The PAHO Strategic Plan has 16 Strategic Objectives SO 1-14: Core Functions SO 15 and16: Enabling Functions 89 Region-wide Expected Results (RER) 256 RER indicators Strategic Objective TEAM: SO facilitator and network SOs represent the PROGRAM of PAHO and WHO, SP has recently be modified to incorporate the changes in the WHO MTSP Review the SO and RER and decide where you can support WHO/PAHO Function of the SO team is to monitor and assess the SO, every 6 months we have PMA meetings, and every 2 years we present a report to our Governing Bodies about the progress

PAHO/WHO Core Functions Providing leadership on matters critical to health and engaging in partners where joint action is needed Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation, dissemination and application of valuable knowledge Setting norms and standards, and promoting and monitoring their implementation Articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options Establishing technical cooperation, catalyzing change and building sustainable institutional capacity Monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends

Strategic Objectives SO1: Communicable diseases SO2: HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (MDG) SO3: Chronic non-communicable conditions, mental disorders, violence and injuries SO4: Pregnancy, childbirth, neonatal period, childhood and adolescence, sexual and reproductive health, and active and healthy aging (MDG) SO5: Emergencies, disasters, crisis and conflicts SO6: Health promotion and prevention of risk factors (tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity and unsafe sex)

Strategic Objectives (cont’d) SO7: Social and economic determinants of health SO8: Environment and health (MDG) SO9: Nutrition, food safety and food security SO10: Health services SO11: Leadership, governance and evidence base of health systems SO12: Medical products and technology SO13: Health workforce SO14: Social protection

Strategic Objectives (cont’d) (Enabling functions) SO15: To provide leadership, strengthen governance, and foster partnership and collaboration with Member States, the United Nations system and other stakeholders to fulfill the mandate of PAHO/WHO in advancing the global health agenda, as set out in WHO’s 11th Programme of Work, and the Health Agenda for the Americas SO16: To develop and sustain PAHO/WHO as a flexible, learning organization enabling it to carry out its mandate more efficiently and effectively

PAHO/WHO Planning Instruments WHO General Programme of Work 06–15 (Global Health Agenda) Health Agenda for the Americas 08–17 WHO WHO Medium-term Strategic Plan 08–13 PAHO Strategic Plan 08–12 Country & Subregional Cooperation Strategies (CCS & SCS) Biennial Workplans PAHO Program and Budget 08–09 (and 10–11, 12–13) PAHO Biennial Workplans 08–09 (and 10–11, 12–13)

PAHO Biennial Workplans (BWP) BWP is the instrument to implement the Program and Budgets, and the PAHO Strategic Plan Entity is a generic term that designates a managerial, programmatic and executing unit responsible for developing and implementing a Biennial Workplan and managing its associated resources (human, budget and others) Regional: 22 entities Subregional: 5 entities Country: 42 entities Total: 69 entities Entity Manager A good opportunity to include Collaborating Centers activities in the BWP 10/11 of the different entities

PAHO/WHO’s Results Chain and Indicators Planning Instrument GPW (GHA) & HAA Areas of Action Means of Measurement Strategic Objectives SO indicators WHO MTSP contribute OWERs OWER indicators aggregate or contribute PAHO SP & PB RERs RER indicators aggregate or contribute A M P E S OSERs OSER indicators Biennial Workplans P/S Tasks

Mechanisms for Collaboration between PAHO and Canadian Collaborating Centers All interventions by PAHO are derived from the Strategic Plan, and implemented through the Biennial Workplans of each entity The matrix approach to planning combines: a. Strategic Objectives defined by the Governing Bodies that are the collective long-term results of the Organization’s work (Member States and the PASB) b. The individual BWP of each entity, which are the managers of the resources needed to achieve the SOs targets CC working through the BWP are really supporting the WHO/PAHO program

The Matrix Approach Strategic Objectives (SO) vs. Entities (E) AMPES Entity SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4... SO15 SO16 E 1 E 2 E 3 E 4 E 5... E 68 E 69

Mechanisms for Collaboration between PAHO and Canadian Collaborating Centers Who to contact? Strategic objective facilitators (Regional and Global level) Entity managers Regional level Subregional level Country level (PAHO/WHO Representatives)

Technical cooperation among country projects (TCC) Two or more countries Entity managers elaborate the TCC projects TCC projects are approved by the Director Funding comes from the variable portion of the PAHO budget As soon the project is approved, funds are part of the respective BWPs

Information Official Document 328 PAHO Strategic Plan 2008-2012 Amended Health Agenda for the Americas:

Thank you The Health Agenda for the Americas 2008-2017