YOUR Spanish First Last name Class period “picture of flag” (For slides 1-7: You will research YOUR Spanish speaking country and have the following requirements included in this POWER POINT presentation. You will upload your presentation to CANVAS on the due date.) Name of Country YOUR Spanish First Last name Class period “picture of flag”
“Capital and Important Cities” Name of capital city, list of important cities, and PICTURE of country map (Add other pictures to make it more interesting)
“Currency” Name of the money (currency) used in the country and a picture of it
Population State the population of the country
Leader Name of president/leader of the country, their title (president, king, etc.) and a picture of him or her
Weather/Seasons You must explain: What months do these seasons occur? What is the weather like during these seasons? include PICTURES of the country during different seasons
Tourist attractions Two places that are tourist attractions and explain why they are interesting Add at least TWO PICTURES of these attractions
Name of Spanish speaking person (for slides 8-14 : You will research TWO people from the country you researched. These can be the person you mentioned in your project (president/leader) AND someone else. You will compare/contrast the two people.) Name of Spanish speaking person Picture of Person
City and country where s/he is from Name of city, country and picture of country map (label where the city is on picture)
Fame Explain why this person is famous (include achievements, their field of work, etc.) Add more pictures of that person
Name of other famous person Add a Picture of Person
City and country where s/he is from Name of city, country and picture of country map (label where the city is on picture)
Fame Explain why this person is famous (include achievements, their field of work, etc.) Add more pictures of that person
Comparison Explain the similarities and differences between these two people Add more pictures of BOTH individuals
works cited List of websites used in project cited in MLA format