Test Stand Status and Plans


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Presentation transcript:

Test Stand Status and Plans MaPSA-Light Test Stand Status and Plans Boston U: E. Hazen, S.X. Wu Brown: M. Narain, S. Piperov and others Cornell: A. Ryd and others Rutgers: Y. Gershtein and others 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

MaPSA-Light Testing (at FNAL test beam) Computer for DAQ (Rutgers) FMC twin-ax High freq cable MaPSA-Light Test interface+ Carrier board GLIB (CERN) With firmware (BU) 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

Test Interface and Carrier MaPSA-Light assembly bonded to carrier Test interface board (Cornell) Carrier board (Cornell) 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing Test Setup GLIB with Ethernet Test interface board (Cornell) Carrier board (Cornell) FMC HPC Extender Cable (€€€) 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing Test Setup Details 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing Initial Test goals (from June 2015!): Exercise MPSA-Light chip Test calibration mode (charge injection) Test pixel response to source Test daisy-chain of multiple devices Validate multiple chip mounting, wirebonding and readout Future plans: Test beam response as sensor Test beam work with one chip as sensor and second for readout Radiation damage tests Test hardware TWiki page: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/MaPSALightTest 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing Firmware Functions General All firmware on one GLIB MicroTCA board Connected using FMC HPC cable (individual shielded pairs) to test board CMS standard IPBus interface Allows simple read/write access via GbE Python (Pycohal) and C++ (uHAL) libraries available 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing Firmware Functions Serial configuration interface Load peripheral and pixel config from on-board mem Calibration pulser Generate programmable pattern of fixed-width calibration pulses Phase w.r.t. shutter adjustable in 3ns steps Operating modes Pulse calibration, readout Open shutter, wait for HITOR, readout 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing Firmware Functions Data in/out interface Send strip data to MPA or read data from MPA 256 strip data words per MPA Utility configuration (on test board) Power supply enables (VBIAS/A/DVDD etc) Programmable bias voltages for MPSA-Lights Bus direction, etc 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing Firmware for Test Beam Interface to clock / encoded trigger @ Fermi (very similar to CERN TTC system) Operate MaPSA-Light on either 160.0MHz xtal or 159 MHz derived from machine clock Open shutter when particle trigger received Optionally generate test pulses when shutter open for bench testing 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing Status / Plans First test beam campaign Oct 28 – Nov 11 120 GeV protons from FNAL main injector Readout counters (asynchronous) and hits (synchronous) modes Promising results, lots of data taken Integration with machine trigger was attempted during the test beam and didn't quite work Working on firmware/software now for next run starting Dec 11th. 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing

E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing Backup Materials 2015-12-17 E. Hazen -- MaPSA-Light Testing