New EU Multi-Annual Programme


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Presentation transcript:

New EU Multi-Annual Programme 2014-2020 FISHERIES New EU Multi-Annual Programme 2014-2020 Meeting with National Correspondents 17 April 2012 PGECON MEETING

Introduction Articles 37 & 38 of the CFP reform proposal will repeal existing DCF legislation Details on data collection obligations to be laid down in a new EU Multi-Annual Programme (EU-DCMAP) replacing provisions currently in Council regulation 199/2008 The financial basis for the new EU-DCMAP is covered in the new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund proposal (EMFF)

New legal set-up EMFF Articles 37 & 38 of the Basic Regulation Specific provisions for Data Collection New EU-MAP for Data Collection MS OP Chapter on Data Collection + Annual Work Plan

New legal set-up Now (DCF 2009-2013) Future (DC MAP2014-2020) Council Regulation (861/2006) EMFF Financial Implementing Commission Regulation(1078/2008) Implementing Commission Decision Council Regulation (199/2008) Basic Regulation CFP (Articles 37 & 38) Implementing Commission Regulation (665/2008) EU Data Collection MAP 2O14-2020 Implementing Commission Decision (93/2010/EU) Technical 28 MS Operational Programmes - Chapter on Data Collection (2014-2020) 22 MS National Programmes (2009-2010) 28 MS Annual Work Plan on Data Collection 22 MS National Programmes (2011-2013)

Development of the EU 2014-2020 Multi-Annual Programme Commission Member States End-Users Obligations Advice Data Product based approach

Expectations vs. Realisation in the DCF Harmonization at EU level Planning of work in the MS Co-funding to improve quality and availability Solid basis for stock assessments, towards a mixed fisheries approach Nearly open access Data on control/monitoring/surveillance and spatial resolution Reduction of bias – mandatory observer access Inclusion of ecosystem related data Inclusion of socio-economic data Possibilities for permanent data bases (no time limit) Stronger control/sanction instruments

Strength of DCF Established since 2002 Data Availability Common Framework Financial Support More transparency Harmonisation in data collection Introduced standards Co-ordination and Co-operation by MS Quality Control Metier Approach Bio- economic Framework Regional Approach Good Dialogue with EU Institutions Included Data End User Input

Weaknesses of DCF Too little focus on use of data DCF incomplete Inefficient use of resources Complexity Mismatch between needs and outputs Administrative Burden Follow up of MS Actions No Reporting website for Reference material Metier data not used by RFMO At sea observations - monitoring difficult (other means?) Data quality No catalogue of recommendations for MS Dialogue with Data End Users could be better DCF output driven (Data Delivery) not Results Based driven 8

Data Collection vs. New CFP a strong focus on regional cooperation and thus participate in the regionalization approach of the new CFP. provide for improved science (knowledge) and scientific advice (interpretation and use of knowledge). serve to fulfil a number of obligations stemming from the MSFD, but not all allow for the monitoring of the development of all fish production in the EU, whether marine or fresh water aquaculture. provide better data to monitor the socio-economic evolution of all European fisheries, including in view of improved impact assessment of conservation measures.

Issues to be addressed Scope of the work What will the CFP need in 2020 in terms of basic data, and therefore what is the Data Collection really used for? How to ensure a close link between data collection and scientific advice? How to ensure consistency between data collection under the DCF and research programmes? Simplification of rules and better flexibility in the legal framework 10

Harmonization of DCF data with data collected under the Control regulation, EUROSTAT standards, with the Marine Strategy (MSFD) & Water Framework Directives and with RFMO obligations. Simplification of data formats used by COM, MS and End-Users Involvement of third countries, RFMOs, FPAs in the DCF Confidentiality of data, and alignment/harmonization of methods to ensure confidentiality

Regional and Scientific Issues What will different regions need in the future in terms of data for assessment/management purposes including multi-species management plans? How can we better harmonize obligations to collect data and needs expressed by scientists? Aquaculture has been identified as one of the CFP priorities. How can the DCF contribute to a better knowledge of the aquaculture sector? As the DCF foresees the collection, management and use of data in order to assess the effects of fisheries on the marine ecosystem, should it include reporting on the bycatch of seabirds, cetaceans and other protected species?

Socio-economic issues How to solve the problem of different aggregation levels for socio-economic data? More extensive data needs to be covered? How to improve the quality of data? How to improve the data coverage of recreational fisheries?

Contents of the EU-MAP Already in 199/2008 Provisions on a multi-annual sampling programme, at-sea monitoring of commercial and recreational fisheries, a scheme for research surveys and a scheme for management and use of data Provisions on coordination and cooperation Provisions on data storage, use and transfer Provisions referring to EU financial assistance

New contents Provisions for participation in a regional database for scientific data Provisions for enhanced regional cooperation (more tasks for the RCMs, regional ranking of metiers and regional lists of species to be sampled) New provisions on data formats and aggregation levels (one format for all involved parties, same aggregation level for socio-economic and biological data)

More flexibility Improved compliance and required administrative capacities or regulatory frameworks in MS Organisation of the work, and relations with main end users (RFMOs) Possible additions of EU rules, e.g. in the area of confidentiality of data

Key improvements to be had A seven years, ie predictable framework for Data Collection for the period 2014-2020 Improving the flexibility of the legal framework and simplification Enhancing financial stability for the MS Integration and harmonization with other EU legislation Improving quality and availability of data for ecosystem based management

How do we get there? Internal Commission consultations Consultations with STECF experts and end-users Consultations with National Correspondents (MS) Consultations with RACs and other stakeholders

Timeline Draft of EU Multi-Annual Programme (MAP) 2014-2020 June 2012 Final text of MAP ready for adoption December 2012

Thank you for your attention! FISHERIES Thank you for your attention! Slide 20