Support Services of Tomorrow


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Presentation transcript:

Support Services of Tomorrow Luk Zelderloo Secretary General EASPD Ljubljana, Slovenia 15th May 2017

EASPD in Brief European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities Based in Brussels, Not for Profit Organisation Established in 1996 Objective: Equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high quality service systems in Europe, which are affordable, available and adaptable. EASPD represents over 15,000 service providers in 33 European countries covering all disabilities.

The Game-changer: UN CRPD UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Adopted in 2006, signed by all EU Member States and the EU Human Rights model: where individuals are supported to become active citizens in their communities and where support is tailored to individual needs and aspirations Calls for the removal of all social constructed barriers which are the main cause of the social exclusion of persons with disabilities Individualised support, person-centred planning, co-produced services and the empowerment of individuals and their families should be at the heart of policies and processes.

What does the UN CRPD mean for services? UN CRPD & Services What does the UN CRPD mean for services? Past Future Institutional & segregating Services targeting persons with disabilities Professionals receiving persons with disabilities in their « centres » Public funding going straight to service providers Community based Services targeting persons with disabilities & mainstream stakeholders (businesses, schools, authorities, etc) Persons with disabilities receiving professionals in their homes Public funding going to persons with disabilities who then choose service provision

Other changes & services Past Future Stable and important role by public authorities in financing, monitoring and provision Front line staff predominantly women, with men often in management positions Inexistant or weak social dialogue structures More mono-cultural staff and clients/users Withdrawing role by public authorities Better gender balance among staff and management Strong social dialogue structures More multi-cultural and diverse staff and clients/users

Living Independently and Being Included in the Community UNCRPD & Art. 19 Living Independently and Being Included in the Community States Parties must ensure that Persons with disabilities should live where they wish and with whom they wish in order to live independently and be included in the community. They shall have access to a range of in-home, residential and other community support services, including personal assistance Persons with disabilities should enjoy community life and its opportunities on an equal basis with others and they should not be subject to isolation or segregation Past Future Care provided in segregating & large residential settings; with 1 form of care provided to all residents; Access to specialised services only; Support for family carers by taking individual away. Support & care provided in his/her home setting & must respond to individual needs, will & preferences Promoting access to mainstream services (housing, education, etc Support for family carers to ensure quality family life

Quality of Services characteristics 10 key quality requirements: To facilitate full participation, inclusion and equal citizenship To be built around people with disabilities and their changing needs: tailor made – person centred To be community based and rooted in society To be set up in, and in close cooperation with the mainstream Holistic approach -> multi faceted approach

Quality of Services characteristics 10 key quality requirements: 6. Be provided by well trained and managed staff 7. Keep the family together 8. Be based on stakeholder cooperation 9. Ensure security to all users 10. Allow real and informed choices

Mistakes during the transition process Challenges: Mistakes during the transition process Over-investment in current institutions Maintaining parallel services Alternatives with institutional culture Closure of institutions without community alternatives

The way forward Mainstream support Networks of support around the client Knowledge centres/expertise Plug & Play Training of mainstream support staff …

ICT and Assistive Technology The way forward ICT and Assistive Technology Distance support Distance learning Support through call centres … Aiming at: Employment Inclusion Full citizenship

The way forward New types of services Family support systems Community support Network & Community building Provision of accessible information & legal advice Respite care Services for ageing people and their disabled family members Early intervention

Innovative residential support The way forward Innovative residential support Community based User driven Quality control, recruitment… Rooted in society- bring support users …

From shaming and blaming towards a positive change: Key Policy Issues From shaming and blaming towards a positive change: Wording! What do we want? Involvement of all stakeholders Persons with Disabilities Families Professionals Trade unions Authorities…

Re-training & valuing professionals: Key Policy Issues Re-training & valuing professionals: Old medical defect model (defectology) Traditional- industrial management models (standardisation, economy of scale) Care professionals…working poor

Scattered competencies=lack of coherence Key Policy Issues Scattered competencies=lack of coherence Health, Justice, Education, Social Affairs, Employment…. Federal, regional, and municipal level Societal consensus needed

Key Policy Issues Funding (system) Overlap funding needed Reorganise the traditional triangle funding system Reforming in times of crisis=losing

Quality assurance systems Key Policy Issues Quality assurance systems Traditionally: input focused More up to date systems Through put & process focus Output & results

Co-production Ultimate goal: a service, policy or activity that is responsive to the individual’s needs and preferences Joint Definition by EASPD, EDF, Inclusion Europe, MHE, COFACE Families Europe Co-production promotes shifting the balance of power and responsibility solely from professional support services and authorities Co-production recognises that every individual with support needs should be fully, structurallly, meaningfully and in an ongoing manner involved at all stages in the design, development and delivery of the relvant policy, service or activity. Co-production is an innovative working practice ensuring that all stakeholders actively rethink and reassess how they are currently operating

Conclusions Reconfirmation policy objectives Positive message Societal consensus based on clear values & stakeholder involvement Re-training of professionals Empowerment through empowering support Investment approach! Allocated budget Leadership

Rue de Commerce/Handelsstraat 72 Thank You! EASPD Rue de Commerce/Handelsstraat 72 +32 2 2337720