DING Hongxia;WU Ying;LIU Zhengping ; Preparation of Cationic Polymerizable Imdazolium Ionic Liquid-Acrylamide Copolymers and Their Inhibition Behaviors for Carbon Steel Corrosion in Hydrochloric Acid DING Hongxia;WU Ying;LIU Zhengping ; BNU Key Lab of Environmentally Friendly and Functional Polymer Materials; Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Convers #cod#x00026; Storage Materials,College of Chemistry,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China ; 不同缓蚀效率下碳钢样品的SEM照片 Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry,null,34(8),877-884. Doi:10.11944/j.issn.1000-0518.2017.08.160398