INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH Attention Getter: Ask a question Share a story or quotation Give surprising facts or statistics Offer important background information Provide important definitions Etc. Etc. Etc. 2. Claim/Thesis Statement—A statement of what you will prove throughout your essay.
MUST HELP TO PROVE YOUR THESIS CORRECT. BODY PARAGRAPH #1 Claim/Thesis Statement—What will you prove within the paragraph? Concrete Detail #1: Commentary #1: Commentary #2: Concrete Detail #2: Concluding Sentence/Transition—Provide a conclusion to the paragraph and prepare the reader for the next idea. MUST HELP TO PROVE YOUR THESIS CORRECT.
MUST HELP TO PROVE YOUR THESIS CORRECT. BODY PARAGRAPH #2 Thesis Statement—What will you prove within the paragraph? Concrete Detail #1: Commentary #1: Commentary #2: Concrete Detail #2: Concluding Sentence/Transition—Provide a conclusion to the paragraph and prepare the reader for the next idea. MUST HELP TO PROVE YOUR THESIS CORRECT.
MUST HELP TO PROVE YOUR THESIS CORRECT. BODY PARAGRAPH #3 Thesis Statement—What will you prove within the paragraph? Concrete Detail #1: Commentary #1: Commentary #2: Concrete Detail #2: Concluding Sentence/Transition—Provide a conclusion to the paragraph and prepare the reader for the conclusion. MUST HELP TO PROVE YOUR THESIS CORRECT.
CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH Final Thoughts: Refer back to the attention getter. Draw a final conclusion based on the important points you have made. Tie the important points of the essay together. Leave the reader with a final thought that helps them see the importance of your message. Etc. Etc. Etc. Claim/Thesis Statement—a reworded version of the thesis statement (Add a twist!) in the first paragraph that helps to tie the paper all together
Introductory Paragraph ~ TRANSITIONS help to “bridge” or connect the paragraphs smoothly Introductory Paragraph First Body Paragraph Second Body Paragraph Third Body Paragraph Concluding Paragraph
What do I do next? Get out your three courage paragraphs: Mrs. Dubose Atticus Tom Robinson/Boo Radley Decide on your order. End with your strongest! Develop your transitions between the paragraphs. Look for similarities and/or differences. All finished courage paragraphs with transitions are DUE @ END OF HOUR Get going!