Think about our trial last class… Warm Up: Think about our trial last class… Was anyone entirely not guilty? Why didn’t the Tainos kill Columbus on his first voyage? Can you imagine a peaceful meeting between Europeans and Tainos? Or did the “System of Empire” make violence inevitable?
Should Columbus have a national holiday? Today’s Question: Should Columbus have a national holiday?
Agenda: Structured Academic Controversy Introduce essay assignment Begin working on essay
Structured Academic Controversy: Half the people at your table will read an opinion article that supports Columbus Day. The other half will read an opinion article that does not support it. Read your article and come up with 3-4 main points for why this opinion is the best one. Be thorough—it will be your job to convince the people at your table why your opinion is correct!
Structured Academic Controversy: Group 1 will present their views to Group 2. Group 2 will listen closely and repeat the main arguments of Group 1. Once Group 1 feels like their point has been communicated, Group 2 will present their views and repeat the same procedure.
Should Columbus have a national holiday? For this assignment, you will write a 5 paragraph essay answering the following question: Should Christopher Columbus have a national holiday? Your essay should include an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. You will have 1 and ½ class periods to work on your essay. Anything you do not finish should be finished at home. Your essay will be due on December 3rd (B Days) and December 4th (A Days).
Essay Parts: Thesis Statement: A thesis statement is your main argument. In your thesis, you should answer the question (reword it) and have reasons you will use in your body paragraphs to support your argument. Introductory Paragraph: The introductory paragraph should introduce the reader to the topic and explain what the essay will be about. Include your thesis statement towards the end of the introductory paragraph. Body Paragraphs: The body paragraphs should contain the specifics and support your thesis or main argument. Each body paragraph should contain a different reason that supports your main argument. Concluding Paragraph: In your concluding paragraph, restate your main idea or thesis and summarize what you have discussed in your essay.
Important reminders for writing a history essay: No “I” statements. I statements weaken your writing. When you eliminate “I think” you are still stating an opinion, but your argument is stronger. Each paragraph should be structured the same way—introductory sentence, three supporting details, concluding sentence.