Short Answer Questions Mini-Lesson
Just like with an essay, you need to brainstorm before responding to a short answer question.
When does the brainstorming happen When does the brainstorming happen? For you, before the exam, while studying. Read the entire question/prompt. Identify and underline key words in the questions, such as: explain, elaborate, illustrate, or describe 3. Restate the prompt in your own words to be sure you understand it. 4. List items you should identify in your answer. 5. List examples to support your answer.
Use R.A.C.E. to help you craft your short answer question response.
R = Reword
A = Answer Often, R and A are included in the same sentence.
C = cite specific examples The examples support your “R” and “A”
E = Explain Elaborate on the examples provided, and connect the examples to your answer. This is the longest part of your response. Each short answer response should be a paragraph long. That’s 5-8 sentences!
Short Answer Question Steps Break down the question(s): What are you being asked? How many examples do you need? Use specific examples with purpose. Make sure that you not only provide specific examples, but also use them to help you answer the question(s). Specific examples should be used as evidence to support your response. Conclude with a life lesson, a so what? Make your answer matter. This is often the difference between an A and a B! Final step: Double check that you have answered all parts of the question and met the listed requirements.
Sample question: How does Kingsolver use plot and characters to develop a theme about immigration and refugee policy reform? Use at least 2 specific examples from the text. What is the question asking? Gather examples: where does this issue come up for characters and in the plot? What is Kingsolver’s message? Explain how the examples support your claim.
Sample question: Why is Night an appropriate symbolic title for this book? Use two specific examples from the text. What is the question asking? Identify the key words in the question. Gather evidence: where do you see this topic explored in the memoir? Based on evidence, what is the answer to the question? Explain how the examples support your claim.