Cell and Macromolecule review
Which macromolecule provides the most calories per gram? Which macromolecule’s monomer is an amino acid? Which macromolecule provides quick energy? Which macromolecule provides long-term energy storage for animals? Which macromolecule would you eat if you wanted to grow strong nails?
6. Who was the first to say that cells come from other cells? 7. Who said that plants were made up of cells? 8. Who was the guy who was the first to look at living cells, coined the term cellulae? 9. What does the cell membrane do?
10. What are tiny parts of the cell called? 11. What is made up of cells? 12. What do all cells have in common? 13. What are you, a prokaryote or eukaryote? Why? 14. What do ribosomes do?
15. Name two organelles only found in plants. 16. What does the mitochondria do? 17. Why are no chloroplast found in the potato cells we looked at? 18. Where would you expect to find a numerous amount of mitochondria in your body? 19. What 4 things make up the cell membrane?
1 8 2 3 7 6 4 5 Label the parts of the cell. Cytoplasm B. Cell membrane C. Golgi Body D. Lysosome E. Endoplasmic Reticulum F. Nucleus G. Mitochondria H. Ribosome 1 8 2 3 7 6 4 5 Image: http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/13-cells.htm
1 8 2 3 7 6 4 5 The answers are … 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – B. Cell membrane E. Endoplasmic Reticulum F. Nucleus H. Ribosome D. Lysosome G. Mitochondria C. Golgi Body A. Cytoplasm 1 8 2 3 7 6 4 5
Label the parts of the cell. Cytoplasm Cell Wall Vacuole Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Nucleus Mitochondria Cell Membrane Chloroplast 1 2 3 5 7 6 8 4 Image: http://fds.oup.com/www.oup.co.uk/images/oxed/children/yoes/nature/plantcell.jpg
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) The answers are … Vacuole 1 2 3 5 7 6 8 Cytoplasm Chloroplast Mitochondria Nucleus Cell Wall 4 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Cell Membrane