Warm Up 9/19 1. List 3 properties of carbon. 2. What is the storage form of glucose in animals? What about plants? 3. Which biomolecule has a 2H:1O ratio? 4. Cells have specialized parts that perform specific functions. The cellular processes carried out are vital for survival and growth. What cellular process is shown in the diagram?
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Practice Questions!
Practice Questions!
Practice Questions!
Warm Up 9/20 Test Today!! Write the following vocab words in your notebook under the Cells tab OR p. 13 in Dr. Welch’s class. You will define these after the test. Prokaryote Eukaryote Bacteria Organelle Cell (Plasma) Membrane Cell Wall Nucleus Ribosome Endoplasmic Reticulum Mitochondria Chloroplast Cytoplasm Cytosol
Warm Up 9/21 or 9/22 1. Are bacterial cells prokaryotes or eukaryotes? How do you know? 2. Where in the cell is energy produced? 3. Where in the cell is the DNA located? 4. Where in the cell is protein produced? 5. Consider the following diagrams. Which one is the animal cell? How do you know?
Warm Up 9/23 Draw the following diagram and use the word bank at the bottom to fill in each section. Chloroplast, mitochondria, cell wall, cell membrane, lysosomes, vacuoles, centrioles, ribosome, rectangle shape, spherical shape, eukaryotic