Microelectronic Circuits Spring, 2013 School of Computer Science and Engineering Pusan National University Jeong Goo Kim
Class Day/Time: Tuesday, Thursday / 15:00 강의일반 Class Day/Time: Tuesday, Thursday / 15:00 Classroom: Engineering Bldg. #6, Room 6202 Instructor: Jeong Goo Kim Office: Research & Lab. Bldg. #1, Room 420 Phone: 510-3733 E-mail: kimjg@pusan.ac.kr Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 16:30 – 17:30 Homework: Due one week from day assigned (unless otherwise specified) Grading: Attendance: 10 % Homework: 25% Final Exam: 30% Mid Term Exam: 30% Presentation: 5%
Useful References (Books): 강의개요 Purpose of the Course In this class, we study fundamentals and directions of basic electronic elements such as diodes, transistors, op-amp, and logic-gates. Then, we develop ability of analysis and design techniques of electronic circuits. TEXT Essentials of Electrical and Computer Engineering, David V. Kerns, Jr. and J. David Irwin, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. Useful References (Books): Electronic Principles 7th Ed., Malvino/Bates, McGraw Hill, 2007 Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits 7th ED., Paynter, Prentice Hall, 2006 Microelectronics Circuits 5th Ed., Sedra/Smith, Oxford, 2004 Useful Articles: Attached at the end of every printed matter All the information on this class will be posted at http://abc.cse.pusan.ac.kr
Clas Schedule Class Schedule Week Contents Note 1 Introduction to Electronics 2 The Ideal Op-Amp 3 Application and Design of Op-Amp HW 1: Design of Amplifier 4 p- and n-Type Semiconductor The p-n Junction Diode 5 Power Supply Circuits and Wave shaping using Diode HW 2 : Analysis of Diode Circuits 6 MOSFET Fundamentals and Operation 7 NOT Gates with MOSFETs & Other FET Types 8 Midterm Exam. 9 Amplifiers Using the MOSFETs 10 BJT Fundamentals 11 NOT gates Using the BJTs 12 Thyristors and SCRs HW 3: Transistor Fundamentals 13 Ideal Logic Gates & Basic Logic Gates Using MOSFETs 14 Basic Logic Gates Using BJTSs HW 4: Digital Electronic Gates 15 Final Exam. Note: Schedule may be changed according to the progress of classwork with notification
Homework and Next Lecture Read text book pp. 300-321 Next Lecture Chapter 8. Introduction to Electronics