Land &Water Resource (2012) Total Precipitation 4000 BCM Utilizable 1123 BCM(SW 690, GW 433) Utilized 634 BCM(SW 403,GW 231) Net Sown Area 141 Million ha Gross Cropped Area 195 Million ha Net Irrigated Area 65 Mha (SW 25, GW 40) Irrig. Potential Created 112 Million ha Potential utilized 91 Mha (Gross irrigated) Precision Irrigation 7.7 Million ha
IRRIGATION SCENERIO High dependence of Indian economy on the agricultural sector. 50-60% of the population is engaged in meeting the food demands of the country and thereby acquire livelihood and life sustenance. Out of the 142 million hectares of agricultural land in India, only about 45 percent has the facilities for irrigation. The rest of the agricultural farm is entirely dependent on rainfall for its water needs
IRRIGATION SCENERIO Delay in rainfall or a failure, spells disaster for the farmers Shortfalls in crop, hikes the prices of food items followed by social unrest and economical losses General wellbeing of the people and attached ecosystems and overall economy of the country gets adversely effected.
Regional imbalances
DEVELOPMENT OF IRRIGATION SECTOR In the First Five Year Plan (1951-56), the country launched a major irrigation programme. Number of Multipurpose and Major Projects such as Bhakra Nangal, Nagarjunasagar, Kosi, Chambal, Hirakud, Kakrapar and Tungabhadra were taken up. During the fifth Plan (1974-78), Command Area Development Programme was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme with the objective of reducing the lag between potential created and optimum utilization of available land and water. For speedy completion of ongoing projects in advance stage of construction Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) was launched in 1996-1997
Increase in Irrigation Coverage Year Net Irrig Area (Mha) Gross Irrig Area (Mha) 1982 40 51 1992 50 66 2002 57 78 2012 65 91 We have implemented 6 schemes 6
Source of Irrigation Canals 26% Tube wells 45% Dug Wells 18% Tanks 3.5% Others 7.5%
7.7 Mha covered under precision irrigation Opportunity 7.7 Mha covered under precision irrigation Out of 141 Mha 64 Mha 77 Mha
Plan-wise Cumulative IPC and IPU under MMI
Plan-wise expenditure incurred on Irrigation and Flood Control Sectors Sl. No Plan Period Major & Medium Irrigation MI/MI & CAD Total Irrigation Flood Control Total Plan Expenditure All Sectors Percentage expenditure on Irrigation 1. First (1951-56) 376.2 65.6 441.8 13.2 1960 23 2. Second (1956-61) 380.0 161.6 541.6 48.1 4672 12 3. Third (1961-66) 576.0 443.1 1019.1 82.1 8577 4. Annual (1966-69) 429.8 560.9 990.7 42 6625 15 5. Fourth (1969-74) 1242.3 1173.4 2415.7 162 15779 6. Fifth(1974-78 2516.2 1409.6 3925.8 298.6 28653 14 7. Annual (1978-80) 2078.6 1344.9 3423.5 330 22950 8. Sixth (1980-85) 7368.8 4159.9 11528.7 787 109292 11 9. Seventh (1985-90) 11107.3 7626.8 18734.1 941.6 218730 9 10. Annual (1990-92) 5459.2 3649.5 9108.7 460.6 123120 7 11. Eighth (1992-97) 21071.9 13885.3 34957.2 1691.7 483060 8 12. IX Plan(1997-02) 49289.0 13760 83049.0 3038 941041 13. X Plan (2002-07) 83647.0 16458.9 100105.9 4344.18 1618460 6 XI Plan (2007-2012) Outlay (Projection) 165350 46350 211700 20100 3644718
Year-wise Progress inXI Plan under MMI Physical (in mha) Financial (in Rs. Crore) Potential created/anticipated Expenditure/Outlay 2007-08 0.84 29390.64 2008-09 1.02 32341.80 2009-10 1.12 34882.26# 2010-11 2.02* 68735.3* 2011-12 Total 5.00 165350 ## *anticipated #Revised Approved Outlay ## Recommended Outlay by Working Group for XI Plan
Plan-wise Progress under CAD Works Central Assistance released under CADWM Programme (Rs. Crore) Period Outlay approved by Planning Commission BE Allocation Release % Release w.r.t. BE Allocation IX Plan 1000 825.72 751.66 91.03 X Plan 1208 969.8 818.57 82.12 XI Plan 2007-08 300 277.14 92.38 2008-09 350 324.29 92.68 2009-10 400 413.7 103.4 2010-11 499 456.4 91.5
Plan-wise Progress under CAD Works Cumulative progress of works of field channels and drains (Million Hectare) Item of work Cumulative achievement since 1974-75 to 1996-97 Achievement during IX Plan X Plan 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10* 2010-11* Field Channel 13.95 1.8 2.31 0.394 0.429 0.384 0.413 Field Drains 0.77 0.35 0.64 0.069 0.13 0.094 0.058
TOTAL WATER USE ASSESSED BY NCIWRD (1999) Sl. No Total Water Use (in BCM) Uses Year 1997-98 Year 2010 Year 2025 Year 2050 %in Year 2010 %in Year 2025 Low High 1 Irrigation 524 543 557 561 611 628 807 78 72 2 Domestic 30 42 43 55 62 90 111 6 7 3 Industries 37 67 81 5 8 4 Power 9 18 19 31 33 63 70 Inland Navigation 10 15 Flood Control Environment(1) Afforestation Env.(2)Ecology 20 Evaporation losses 36 50 76 Total 629 694 710 784 843 973 1180 100
General Constraints contd Lack of integrated and coordinated approach Lack of holistic implementation of Programmes Widening Gap between IPC and IPU Lack of thrust on Precision Irrigation Modernisation of State Irrigation Departments Non-adoption of PIM in many States and non-functional WUAs in the States where the PIM Act has been adopted contd
General Constraints Policy issues Laws Land tenancy rights Free electicity No incentive for water use efficiency Laws Land tenancy rights MSP for other crops Lack of Funds Almost negligible collection of cess No O&M Build forget and rebuild aproch
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) Har Khet Ko Paani
Enhanced farm productivity Vision Strategy Outcome Increase gross irrigated area More crop per drop Access to Irrigation to every farm (Har Khet ko Pani) Bridging the gap between irrigation potential & utilisation Enhanced farm productivity Creating/Strengthening water distribution network Rural prosperity Enhance water use efficiency & management
Objectives Achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level (preparation of district level and, if required, sub district level water use plans). Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under assured irrigation (Har Khet ko pani), Integration of water source, distribution and its efficient use, to make best use of water through appropriate technologies and practices. Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both in duration and extent, Enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies (More crop per drop). Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices
Objectives Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices Ensure the integrated development of rainfed areas using the watershed approach towards soil and water conservation, regeneration of ground water, arresting runoff, providing livelihood options and other NRM activities. Promote extension activities relating to water harvesting, water management and crop alignment for farmers and grass root level field functionaries. Explore the feasibility of reusing treated municipal waste water for peri-urban agriculture, and Attract greater private investments in irrigation.
Programme Components (MoWR,RD&GR) A. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme(AIBP) To focus on faster completion of ongoing Major and Medium Irrigation including National Projects. B. PMKSY (Har Khet ko Pani) Creation of new water sources through Minor Irrigation Repair, restoration and renovation of water bodies (Jal Sanchay); Command area development, strengthening and creation of distribution network from source to the farm; Ground water development in the areas where it is abundant, Improvement in water management and distribution system for water bodies. Diversion of water from source of different location where it is plenty to nearby water scarce areas, Creating and rejuvenating traditional water storage systems like Jal Mandir (Gujarat); etc. at feasible locations.
Programme Components (Other Ministries) PMKSY(Per Drop More Crop): Ministry of Agriculture Micro level storage structures, efficient water conveyance & application, precision irrigation systems, topping up of input cost beyond MGNREGA permissible limits, secondary storage, water lifting devices, extension activities, coordination & management . PMKSY (Watershed): Deptt. of Rural Development Ridge area treatment, drainage line treatment, soil and moisture conservation, water harvesting structure, livelihood support activities and other watershed works.
Thrust Areas of MoWR, RD&GR Bridging the gap between irrigation potential creation and utilization Emphasis on Command Area Development Project benefitting DPAP areas and DDP areas to be assigned higher priority Completion of priority MMI projects Judicious use of ground water and recharge of ground water
Issues & Constraints Total requirement of fund to achieve Har Khet Ko Pani will be about Rs. 15.4 lakh crore [Rs. 2.00 lakh/ha for complete chain of activities (Source-Distribution-Application-Extension)] - Current year allocation of Rs. 5300 crore. Pending large liabilities under AIBP and IWMP will affect prioritizing projects Unless precision farming is expanded through Bank finance and NBFCs, coverage will be limited by the total subsidy alone. Free water, power and subsidy on diesel, is a serious disincentive for adaptation of precision irrigation Change in funding pattern to 50:50 from the existing level may slow down the pace of implementation Difficult to ensure appropriate coordination, synergy and convergence at field level in the existing system with diverged heterogeneity in administrative hierarchy
Challenges & Way Forward Compilation of District-wise Data in spatial layers in terms of: Agricultural Area (Crop-wise) Area under Irrigation Scheme-wise; existing, ongoing and proposed Natural water bodies with size Ground water scenario Delineation of un-irrigated area Preparation of schemes for providing irrigation to un-irrigated area; either through extension of existing schemes or introduction of new scheme, through precision irrigation Impact of watershed development on existing projects and catchment areas of the proposed projects
Challenges & Way Forward Preparation of District Irrigation Plans (DIPs) ensuring convergence of all the schemes of the three Line Miniseries and resolving trans-boundary issues Prioritization of various schemes in DIPs in terms of return values Options available through interlinking of Rivers for water deficit areas Exploring Funding Options Making the irrigation sector self sustainable through participation of Private sectors Implementation of water sector reforms Socio-political issues in terms of prioritization and completion of schemes
Session directed to house The session is dedicated to generate discussion on delivering its vision oriented objectives, Effeciency enhancement Use of pipe net work in ERM project Use of micro irrigation PPP for farmers benefit Use of volumetric measurement technique Change in mindset of states to adopt Micro irrigation Mode of disbursement of funding, Way forward for its successful implementation. Suggestions to further improve or augment the scheme.