St. Valentine's Day Your Game.


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Presentation transcript:

St. Valentine's Day Your Game

Quiz 10 15 20 Puzzle

Quiz 10 1. What colour is associated with St.Valentine’s Day? orange purple red

Quiz 10 2. Which are the most common flowers given on St.Valentine’s Day? roses sunflowers snowdrops

Quiz 10 3. What date is St.Valentine’s Day? 15th of February 8th of March назад

Quiz 15 1. How do you spell 14th ? forteenth fourtienth fourteenth

Quiz 15 2. Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St.Valentine’s Day? Eros Cupid Apollo

Quiz 15 3. What greeting is often said on this day? Happy love life! Good Luck! Happy Valentine’s Day! Назад

Quiz 20 Where did St. Valentine live? in Greece in Rome in Great Britain назад

Puzzle 10 1. A special card sent on St.Valentine’s Day V A L E N T I

Puzzle 10 2. A jar or container that you use for putting flowers. It is often filled with roses on St.Valentine’s Day V A S E

Puzzle 10 3. A very strong feeling of liking someone L O V E

Puzzle 10 4. Valentine’s Day is celebrated during this month F E B R U

Puzzle 10 5. This colour is the symbol of love R E D назад

Puzzle 15 1. Roses, tulips and other flowers with colourful blossoms. Very pretty when arranged in a bouquet! P R E S N T

Puzzle 15 2. A sweet brown treat that is made from cocoa powder, milk and sugar- very tasty C H O L A T E

Puzzle 15 B R O M 3. A man who is about to be married or just married назад

Puzzle 15 4. A woman who is about to be married or just married B R I назад

Puzzle 20 1. An organ in your body that pumps blood. If you put you hand over this organ you can feel it beating H E A R T

Puzzle 20 2. A person whom someone loves. S W E T H A R назад

Let’s talk about love My heart is-----a boiling kettle Your heart is----a diamond My love is-----the Universe Your lips are----roses Your eyes are----stars My heart is----fire Your heart is-----ice Your lips are-----honey Your eyes are----an ocean My love is----the sky as hard as as hot as as endless as as bright as as red as as cold as as deep as as blue as as sweet as as nice as

Let’s have fun!

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