Moving on to Year 1 July 2015
Overview EYFS to Year 1 What will children see that is the same? What will children experience that is the same? Who will the children encounter? What will be different? Helping your child prepare for Year 1
EYFS to Year 1 At the end of the school year in which a child is 5, a statutory assessment is undertaken called the EYFS Profile One aspect of the assessment takes the form of practitioner observations of children when they are undertaking their own independent activity Second aspect of the assessment is a narrative about characteristics of effective learning
EYFS Profile
Early Learning Goals For each Early Learning Goal a decision is made Emerging Expected Exceeding Characteristics of effective learning shared with parents and Year 1 teachers
What will the children see that will be the same? Friends Similar classroom layouts Wall displays Cloakroom arrangements
What will the children experience that will be the same? Learning through first hand experiences Similar environment Being listened to and observed Playtimes and lunch times Links in their learning Adult led and child led activity
Who will the children encounter? Friends Familiar teachers Familiar teaching assistants Familiar lunchtime supervisors Familiar sports coaches Their friends
Year 1 team Miss Keane Mrs Carter Mrs Petrie Miss Heath Mr Lindop
What will be different for the children? Entrance to school Toilets Statutory Assessments in Year 1 End of day
How can I help my child prepare? Reading Read with your child every day and talk about the books. Eg Read the blurb, discuss the characters, what the author means by their choice of words, Writing Your child will have brought home a scrapbook to create a holiday diary. Encourage your child to use their THRASS chart when writing to find the sound they need. Maths Discuss and solve number problems in every day life, at the shops, telling the time, cooking, number plates, door numbers etc
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