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Presentation transcript:

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT [SECOND]/[THIRD] QUARTERLY COLLABORATIVE WORKSHOP [insert referral network name] [insert workshop date] 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AGENDA 8:45 Registration 9:00 Introductions & QI review 9:45 Review QI aims 10:15 Tea Break 10:30 QI Aim 1 review & discussion 11:15 QI Aim 2 review & discussion 12:15 QI Aim 3 review & discussion 13:00 Lunch 14:00 QI Aim 4 review & discussion 14:45 QI Aim 5 review & discussion 15:30 Next steps for QI workshop & closing We will be doing an in-depth review of each QI aim including: Review & discuss data for that aim Hear updates from the QI team Revise the change package, if needed 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES Review the purpose of QI, QI Aims, QI Change Packages and QI Teams 1 Visualize & discuss QI progress 2 Hear updates from QI teams 3 Revise the Change Packages 4 Plan to collect data for the next QI quarter 5 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

WORKSHOP INTRODUCTION Session Objectives Introductions Briefly review QI basics 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

INTRODUCTIONS Facilitators Referral Network [insert name] [insert position] Let’s take a minute to go around and introduce yourselves! Who is leading referral work at your organization? Please share one to two of the services you provide 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

WHAT IS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT? An approach to the analysis of performance, and systematic efforts to improve it QI comes from the field of healthcare, where staff at a clinic try to improve: Operations The experience of patients Patient health outcomes 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

WHAT IS A QI AIM? Aim statement: A clear description of what you’re trying to achieve by making specific change/s Important to those involved in your referral network because it sets targets to work towards achieving ? Who can remind us what makes a QI aim SMART? 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

WHAT IS A QI AIM? Specific – targets a specific area for improvement Measurable – quantifies or at least suggests an indicator of progress Assignable – specifies who will do it Realistic – states what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources Time-related – specifies when the result(s) can be achieved 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

REVIEW QI CHANGE PACKAGES A change package is the set of specific changes you will make to achieve your aim April you made Change Packages for each QI Aim We can consider making changes to the following: Data collection Materials Staffing Process changes Other changes 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

QI TEAMS QI teams: Are groups that work on specific QI efforts Meet to review collected data, plan how best to work together with other QI team members to help the wider network achieve their QI aim Delegate specific responsibilities to one another when implementing the agreed plan Should understand the change package and study whether the package is leading to the desired results Should have a “champion” or team leader 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

QI TEAMS FROM 2nd QI Workshop AIM 1 AIM 2 AIM 3 [insert QI team members] AIM 4 AIM 5

QI TEAM MEETING OBJECTIVES To meet regularly to review QI data for the assigned QI aim, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the changes made to reach the aim and generate recommendations for the referral network on how to accelerate progress towards reaching that aim. 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

QI TEAM MEETING GUIDANCE Meet at least once per month between QI workshops Plan the meeting at a time and location that most, if not all, of the team can attend Meetings should not be longer than one hour Assign a meeting chair and minute taker that rotate each meeting Summarize the meeting discussion and develop and document a list of questions about your QI aim to share at the next monthly review meeting 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

QI TEAM MEETING GUIDANCE Use the discussion points below to guide each QI team meeting: Review each of the changes in the change package for your QI aim: What part(s) of the change package are working well? What part(s) of the change package are not working well? Are there other gaps or weaknesses in the referral processes we should address to reach our QI aim that are not in the current change package? These should be proposed to the referral network at the next monthly referral network meeting. 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

REFERRAL NETWORK QI AIMS Session Objectives Review the five QI Aims 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

RN QI AIMS QI AIM 1 [insert QI aims] QI AIM 2 QI AIM 3 QI AIM 4 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

Take 15 minutes to help yourself to tea TEA BREAK Take 15 minutes to help yourself to tea 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

REVIEWING THE QI AIMS, DATA & CHANGE PACKAGES ONE-BY-ONE We are now going to review data, hear updates from QI teams and review the change packages for each QI aim together. For each QI aim we will do the following before moving onto the next QI aim: Review & discuss the QI data for that QI aim Receive updates from the QI team for that QI aim Make changes to the change package for that aim based on your experience over the past few months Lets begin with QI aim 1! ACTIVITY 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

Always remember to be…  S.M.A.R.T. 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

QI AIM 1 REVIEW & DISCUSSION Session Objective Look at data for QI Aim 1 Receive an update from QI Team 1 Revise change package for QI Aim 1 together 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 1: [insert aim] [INSERT RUN CHART]

QI TEAM 1 UPDATES ? How many times has your QI team met since the last QI workshop? Please give a brief summary of what you discussed and the meeting outcomes ? ? Are there any challenges or QI team changes you would like to discuss or propose? 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 1: [insert QI aim] Change Package: [insert change package]

QI AIM 2 REVIEW & DISCUSSION Session Objective Look at data for QI Aim 2 Receive an update from QI Team 2 Revise change package for QI Aim 2 together 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 2: [insert aim] [INSERT RUN CHART]

QI TEAM 2 UPDATES ? How many times has your QI team met since the last QI workshop? Please give a brief summary of what you discussed and the meeting outcomes ? ? Are there any challenges or QI team changes you would like to discuss or propose? 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 2: [insert QI aim] Change Package: [insert change package]

QI AIM 3 REVIEW & DISCUSSION Session Objective Look at data for QI Aim 3 Receive an update from QI Team 3 Revise change package for QI Aim 3 together 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 3: [insert aim] [INSERT RUN CHART]

QI TEAM 3 UPDATES ? How many times has your QI team met since the last QI workshop? Please give a brief summary of what you discussed and the meeting outcomes ? ? Are there any challenges or QI team changes you would like to discuss or propose? 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 3: [insert QI aim] Change Package: [insert change package]

Please be back in one hour LUNCH BREAK Please be back in one hour 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

QI AIM 4 REVIEW & DISCUSSION Session Objective Look at data for QI Aim 4 Receive an update from QI Team 4 Revise change package for QI Aim 4 together 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 4: [insert aim] [INSERT RUN CHART]

QI TEAM 4 UPDATES ? How many times has your QI team met since the last QI workshop? Please give a brief summary of what you discussed and the meeting outcomes ? ? Are there any challenges or QI team changes you would like to discuss or propose? 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 4: [insert QI aim] Change Package: [insert change package]

QI AIM 5 REVIEW & DISCUSSION Session Objective Look at data for QI Aim 5 Receive an update from QI Team 5 Revise change package for QI Aim 5 together 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 5: [insert aim] [INSERT RUN CHART]

QI TEAM 5 UPDATES ? How many times has your QI team met since the last QI workshop? Please give a brief summary of what you discussed and the meeting outcomes ? ? Are there any challenges or QI team changes you would like to discuss or propose? 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

AIM 5: [insert QI aim] Change Package: [insert change package]

Take 15 minutes to help yourself to tea TEA BREAK Take 15 minutes to help yourself to tea 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

Understand what work we need to do between now and our next QI meeting NEXT STEPS Session Objective Understand what work we need to do between now and our next QI meeting 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

NEXT STEPS Continue making referrals and working towards the QI aims Continue meeting with your QI teams Attend Regular Referral Network Monthly Meetings 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

CLOSING REMARKS Session Objectives Answer any final questions Review today’s discussion 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

? ? Who can summarize what we did today and why? Who would like to share something new they learned today? 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops

Thank you for your attention and participation! 2nd & 3rd QI Workshops