Town of Cary Curbside Computer Recycling Program Presented by Scott Hecht
Why? Reduce the amount of toxic materials being placed in the landfill Increase overall recycling within the Town 80% of the households in Cary have access to the internet ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
How it works A citizen calls in asked if the computer is working or non-working. if working, asked if they have considered donating the equipment. if interested in donating, then there is a list of 10 donation sites that is given out. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
How it works If it cannot be donated or is non-functional, then a day is scheduled for pick up. It is requested that the computer be on the curb by 7 am on the scheduled day, in plastic if bad weather is expected. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
How it works The recycling collection crew goes out picks up the computer places it in the vehicle puts it in the designated storage area. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
How it works After a significant amount of materials are collected, the processor, Chatham Salvage, is called to come and pick-up the computers. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
Costs $4.00 per monitor personnel and pick up cost are absorbed by the existing recycling collection crew. From the start of the program to June 30, computer pick ups made up an average of 26% of the total pick ups by collection crew. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
Budgetary Concerns Salaries/Wages Wages Proportion of Wages to Benefits time spent electronics (7 months) (X) (W*X) recycling Staff time to organize program 24,715.83 13 3,213.06 Staff time to train collectors 24,715.83 0.000961538 0.24 Staff time to train site attendants 0 Total curb-side labor 21,840.00 26 5,678.40 Total on-site labor 0 Total Wages 8,891.70 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
Budgetary Concerns Capital and Direct Costs Costs Proportion C*D (C) time spent (D) Storage space 0 0 0 Advertising $205.92 100% $205.92 Cost to recycle monitors $4 $1,468.00 Total Capital and Direct Costs $1,673.92 Total Annual Cost (first 7 months) $10,565.62 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
Budgetary Concerns Capital and Direct Costs Tons of Material Recycled November 2000 - June 2001 9.94 (monitors equal 25 pounds) Number of Monitors Recycled November 2000 - June 2001 367 Number of Households Served November 2000 - June 2001 29,797 Total Cost per Household $0.35 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
Success Started November 23, 2000 FY 01 367 monitors and 9.94 tons of materials recycled. First pick up of materials by Chatham Salvage was Dec.12 37 monitors and .77 tons of other materials Pick up an average of once a month. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
Education Town’s utility bill insert Display ads were placed in the local news paper (Cary News) and the News and Observer. Media stories ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
Future Continue program to serve the residents of Cary. Looking into expansion of program Working in cooperation with Wake County to properly dispose of this hazardous waste ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TOWN Of CARY
Presented by Scott Hecht Town of Cary Questions? Presented by Scott Hecht