Underwater Scene Painting Watercolor Techniques
What do YOU need to have in YOUR Painting??? Fish (Figures) Landscape (Background) Water!
1. Fish Pick out a few fish that you like. Sketch 3 THUMBNAIL sketching in your sketchbook to decide where you want to put your fish in the picture TRACE or DRAW the fish onto your watercolor paper using PENCIL
Trace Me!
2. Landscape (Background) Is there sand or pebbles on the bottom? Are there plants? What type? Draw them in PENCIL
Sharpie! Once you have everything drawing in PENCIL you are ready for the next step… Outline everything carefully in sharpie marker
3. Water! Not just solid blue! Are there bubbles? Try different water designs!
Painting Paint the entire picture using your BEST watercolor skills Think about using different techniques to make different textures! Start with the fish. Then paint the landscape. Then paint water.