Objectives…. To ensure Safety / Security of Associates / Drivers / other Passengers & Pedestrians. To educate for Traffic safety – Dos / Don'ts. To develop Safety Attitude. Timely Response
Speed Thrills But Kills…… Know the Current Speed Limits. Access current driving conditions and adjust your speed to those conditions. If you are late, call ahead, do not rush. Check the speedometer. Reduce speed in Work and School zones. Be cautious & Alert.
Cool It On The Road…… Drive in appropriate lane. Keep enough distance between two vehicles. Don’t worry about the behavior of other drivers. Plan your trip, don’t feel rush. Avoid driving when Angry / Upset / Tired / Sleepy. Listen to music / Think some pleasant. Remember, every driver is someone’s family member.
Don’t Drink & Drive…. Drink + Drive = Damage Wear Your seatbelt. There is no better defense against drunk drivers.
Avoid Distractions….. Make adjustments to vehicle controls – such as Radio, AC, Music Player, Mirrors – before beginning your journey. Don’t reach down below the drivers seat, pick up things from floor, personal grooming while driving. Don’t use Cell phones. Keep your eyes on Road, Hands on Wheel & mind on driving. If possible do not involve yourself in conversations with co-passengers. Use your horn sparingly and only to remind others of your presence. Do not eat or drink while driving. Never take notes on paper.
Be a Responsible Driver…. Buckle up even in short distance driving. Wearing a seat belt is not just a good idea, it’s a law as well.
Recognize the Signs of Fatigue…. Maintain a regular sleep / rest schedule. Learn to recognize….. Eyes closing or going out of focus. Persistent Yawning Irritability, Restlessness & Impatient Wandering & Disconnected thoughts Inability to remember about driving of last few minutes. Driving between the lanes. When above signs are visible – Get off the Road!!!!!!
Maintain Your Vehicle….. Check Belt, Horse, Tires & fluids. Prepare for unexpected… Arrange Spare Wheel First Aid Kit Fire Extinguisher Check Door locking mechanism, windows.
Don’t Be a Moving Target……. Don’t assume that you are visible to other drivers. Use high beams if your state allows. Communicate clearly by signaling properly. Never drive in someone’s blind spot. Never think of RIGHT OF WAY !!!!!!
Know Traffic Signage
Traffic Rules Keep on your left, allowing the vehicles from the opposite direction to pass. Give way to traffic on your right, especially at road junctions and round abouts. While turning either left or right, give way to vehicles going straight. While turning left, keep to the left side and turn close to the left side of the road to which you enter. Slow down at the junctions, intersections and pedestrian crossings. Also slow down near school zones, temple areas etc., where a lot of pedestrians and vehicle traffic move. Give signals before you make any maneuver, indicating your intention, so that the other road users can adjust accordingly. Stick to the given speed limit and remember that speed limit is related to the traffic condition. Keep enough distance from the vehicle ahead to avoid collision. At junctions or intersections, never park the vehicle beyond the stop line. At pedestrian crossings always remember that the pedestrian has the right of way. At the signal, do not stop your vehicle on the Pedestrian Crossing. Overtake only from the right side of a vehicle. Never overtake on bridges, narrow roads, junctions, school zones and pedestrian crossings. Do not drive in a zig-zag manner.
Motor Vehicle Act - 1988 PUNISHMENT & PENALTY
Driving Safely is all about Attitude... And Attitude can be changed.
To Ensure Only authorized passengers must board the vehicle. All the Doors are properly locked. Front seat passengers must wear the Seat Belts. Driver must not indulge himself in routine talks / Cell phone. Stay awake and alert and be prepared to assist anybody needs you. Be prepared to defend the associate or yourself against an aggressive client. Non Approved routes & drop changes not allowed. Ensure that females employee enters safely home. Have control on the speed of the driver.
Emergency Protocol Stay Calm. Pass on the information to Transport Coordinator. Call on the Emergency numbers. Provide assistance to injured employees if any. Do not get into altercation or argument