Key Stage 2 Tests 2016 Parents Meeting
Aims of the evening To inform you of what the tests involve. To help you better prepare your children for the tests. To allay any fears and answer any questions you may have about the tests.
Structure of the evening The tests. How the tests will be administered. Preparation Marking and results. What happens afterwards. Any questions.
Test Timetable Test Weeks Week beginning 9th May: Reading, SPAG and Maths- 6 papers externally marked. Writing-Teacher Assessment. (Finalised May 13th.) Science- Teacher Assessment. Finalised May 13th.)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Reading Paper- 60 minutes SPAG paper 1- 45 minutes SPAG paper 2 (spelling)- 15 to 20 minutes Maths Arithmetic 30 minutes Maths Reasoning 1- 40 minutes Maths Reasoning 2- 40 minutes No tests.
Mathematics Paper 1 – Arithmetic 30 minutes/36 questions/40 marks (Sample questions) Paper 2 – Reasoning 40 minutes/20 questions/35 marks Paper 3 – Reasoning
English- Reading Reading test 60 minutes. See Sample reading materials. (50 Marks)
English- SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Test 1- 50 marks grammar (45 minutes) Test 2- 20 marks spelling (15/20 mins) See sample questions
English- Writing Teacher assessment over the whole year across a range of genres and subjects. No test. Example
Test Administration Independent work. Working in the hall. Teachers may read parts of questions in Maths unless pupil receives 1-1 help and fits SEND criteria; where a greater level of reading assistance can be given in Maths only. Working to rigid test times.
Preparation English, Maths and Science lessons for the last 3 ½ years. Booster programme in school time. Homework activities. (Increased quantities) Test practice questions in lessons. Mock SATs week.
Marking and results. External markers. (All papers marked onscreen) Results from tests. (Scaled Scores based on raw score.) Results of teacher assessments.
Marking and results. Results from tests. e.g. Reading test Each pupil registered for the tests will receive: a raw score (number of raw marks awarded) a scaled score confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard e.g. Reading test Raw score= 24/50 Scaled score=??? (Not set until first papers are marked.) Expected Standard about 100 (equivalent to old 4b)
After the tests How results are used: Preparation for key stage 3. Summer School at JLV- (1st week of Holidays) Sets/groupings in Y7 Predictions for GCSE.
Any Questions?