WA-ACTE Summer Conference The Davenport Grand Hotel | Spokane, WA CTE UPDATE WA-ACTE Summer Conference The Davenport Grand Hotel | Spokane, WA August 7-10, 2016 Denise Mileson GRADS Program Specialist Mary Kanikeberg JAG Program Supervisor
GRADS In-school program for pregnant and parenting teens Work and Family Foundation Skills Leads to High School Graduation Economic Independence Onsite Childcare Family and Consumer Science/CTE FACSE certified teacher Work and Family Foundation area of study National Standards for Family and Consumer Science Education
Jobs for America’s Graduates A state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk of losing contact with school.
Objectives of GRADS Remain in school Healthy babies, mothers and fathers Learn practical parenting and child development skills Gain an orientation to work Learn goal setting toward balancing work and family Reduce subsequent pregnancies
Objectives of JAG JAG is a life changing experience for those fortunate ones who are served. It is a program that is customized to fit the needs of young people with barriers to success who need, want and can benefit from a JAG Model program.
Who are Pregnant and Parenting Teens? Lack family support 83% low income 75% come from alcoholic families Often mother was a teen parent Little hope for the future Behind in high school credits/low educational goals Have been part of the party culture Unaware of resources High percentage of teen moms have been sexually assaulted as a child
Who are JAG teens? Barriers Screening Tool for Counselors Economically disadvantaged as defined by public assistance, TANF or free lunch 60% A past record of excessive absences as verified by school officials 66% One or more modal grades behind peers 34% Neither parent graduated from high school 33% Has been suspended, expelled, or put on probation during high school 25% Having inadequate or no work experience 81% Low academic performance 67% Basic skills deficient (reading and math in particular) 37%
Who are JAG teens? (Continued) Lacks motivation or maturity to pursue education/career goals 47% Did not pass the state proficiency exam 46% Family environment not conducive to education or career goals 40% Needs transportation to and from work or school 32% Has dropped out of school previously 6% Child of Incarcerated Parent 4% Homeless or Foster Care Youth* * Homeless & Foster Care Youth have priority if they have desire
Obstacles A puzzle with no directions!
Obstacles and Barriers Shunned by peers Suffer sexual harassment Unhealthy relationships Reproductive coercion Poor problem solving and decision making skills Give up easily Lack follow through Feel judged by peers and adults
Role of a JAG Specialist and GRADS Teacher Mentor Facilitator Guide Listener Trust Builder Problem Solver Link with community organizations Communicates with building staff Communicates with state staff
Questions? GRADS JAG Denise Mileson Mary Kanikeberg GRADS Program Specialist FACSE/CTE Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 600 Washington St. SE | P.O. Box 4700 Olympia WA 98504-7200 W: (360)725-0417 denise.mileson@k12.wa.us Mary Kanikeberg JAG Program Supervisor CTE Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 600 Washington St. SE | P.O. Box 4700 Olympia WA 98504-7200 W: (360)725-4964 mary.kanikeberg@k12.wa.us