Amphibians Includes frogs, salamanders and caecilians All amphibians are carnivorous, Frogs and salamanders capture prey with their tongues
Amphibians Bony skeleton Usually 4 limbs (tetrapod) Webbed feet often present Skin usually smooth and moist with many glands Some with poison glands Respiration by lungs, skin, and gills Ectotherms (rely on outside heat sources)
Amphibians Use both aquatic and terrestrial habitats Life cycle involves semi-terrestrial adults that breed and lay eggs in water. Some undergo metamorphosis
Order Gymnophiona Caecilian No legs Burrow in soil Long, slender body, small scales Internal fertilization; eggs deposited in moist ground near water Do not go through metamorphosis
Caecilians – legless amphibians
Order Urodela Tailed amphibians Oura – tail; delos – evident Internal fertilization but lay eggs in water or moist soil Newts and salamandars
Tiger salamander
Northwestern salamander
Clouded Salamander
Green salamander
Cave salamander
Warty Newt
Eastern Red Spotted Newt
Order Anura Frogs & Toads An – without; orua - tail Internal fertilization Undergo metamorphosis Vocalizations are used for male for courtship and establishing territories Live near water
Order Anura
Brazilian horned frog
Flying frog
Harlequin toad
Goliath Frog
Morogoro Tree Toad
Venezuela Pebble Toad
Vietnamese Mossy Frog
Turtle Frog
Glass Frog
Purple frog
Surinam Toad
Tree frog