Intelligent transportation system Vehicle to vehicle communication What is a VANET? Intelligent transportation system Vehicle to vehicle communication Vehicle to infrastructure communication Dedicated Short Range Communication challenges Applications of VANET conclusion references 2
A modern vehicle is a network of sensors/actuators on wheels ! Event data recorder (EDR) Positioning system (GPS) Forward radar Communication facility Rear radar Display Human-Machine Interface Computing platform A modern vehicle is a network of sensors/actuators on wheels ! w
Vehicular Communication System (VCS):- Two main type of communications Vehicles Transformed into “Computers on the Wheels” or “Networks on the Wheel” Vehicular Communication System (VCS):- Two main type of communications Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) Communication:- Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication:- Advantage and Usage of VCS:- Information sharing Co-operative driving Other value added services like Navigation, internet access etc. ad-hoc means to a system of network elements that combine to form a network requiring little or no planning 4
Communication between V2V and V2I are “ad-hoc" in nature. This special kind of communication network is known as “Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET)” VANET will become Worlds largest ad-hoc network 5
On-Board Unit (OBU):- A device which is inside the vehicle which Communication:- Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE): IEEE 1609.2 Standard also Known DSRC 802.11p Supports Multi-Hop communication for vehicles out of range (Max. Range DSRC is 1000m) On-Board Unit (OBU):- A device which is inside the vehicle which processes the data collected from various sensors fitted inside the cars and gives conditions of the vehicles is responsible for communication with outside network i.e with other vehicles and infrastructure. 7
Road Side Unit (RSU): Infrastructure for communication between the cars for sharing and information from various vehicles. 8
It allows safe and free flow traffic. It uses GPS and DGPS equipped devices. It uses various technology like:- Wireless communications Computational technologies Floating car data/floating cellular data Sensing technologies Inductive loop detection Video vehicle detection Bluetooth Detection 9
Uses multi-hop/multi cast technique. uses two type of broadcasting naive broadcasting intelligent broadcasting 10
High bandwidth link with vehicle and roadside equipment. Roadside units broadcast messages. 11
Uses multi hop unicast 12
Each vehicle is a node with unique ID. proactive routing It tries to maintain routes to all destinations. Reactive routing It initiates route discovery in demand of data traffic. Position based Routing Routing based on destination’s position. 15
Broadcasting algorithms used. Data and control packet forwarding are loop free. Ad hoc routing algorithms are used. Mobicasting Consider time into account. Main goal is delivery of information to all nodes in a point of time. 16
Indicates level of performance given to user. Provide robust routes among nodes. Security Many threats for Vanet. Avoid some threats using digital signatures. 17
Large end-to-end delays and decreased packet delivery ratio. Routing Large end-to-end delays and decreased packet delivery ratio. Security Frameworks Need lightweight, scalable authentication frameworks. Need reliable and secureness . Need fast and low-cost message exchange facility. 18
QoS challenges are packet delivery ratio and connection duration. Quality of Service. QoS challenges are packet delivery ratio and connection duration. Broadcasting. Most messages in Vanet are broadcast messages. Collisions affects message delivery. 19
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Three major classes of applications possible in VANET are Three major classes of applications possible in VANET are safety oriented convenience oriented commercial oriented 21
It improves the safety of vehicles. Consists of vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. It improves the safety of vehicles. Supports Intelligent Transportation system. 23