The view you have of yourself. Self Concept The view you have of yourself.
Essential questions How do I find out who I am? How do I know how others feel about me? How does my view of myself affect my health?
Self concept and your health As you grow and develop, you find out a lot about yourself. 1. what you think about issues 2. what is important to you 3. what you like and don’t like 4. who you like to be with 5. what you do well 6. what you need to improve
Socialization and self concept Who influences self concept when you are young? Who influences self concept when you are school age?
Teen years and self concept Teen years are critical to our self concept because it brings our self concept into focus. Socialization is important because who we associate with influence our self concept.
Teen years and self concept Positive reinforcement- messages people send through positive words or actions
Teen years and self concept Negative reinforcement- messages people send through negative words and actions.
Use your Journal
Important influences Think about someone you admire. Take note of who influenced that person to become great. Did the person overcome negative influence or benefit from positive influence? Does this person influence how you see yourself?
Self Esteem The ability to like and respect yourself Have confidence in yourself Feel valued, loved and secure Care about your health Care about others Bounce back from disappointment. These are effects of a good self concept!
Use your journal!
Applying Health Concepts Write a short biography of someone who you think has a good self concept. Explain why you think they have good self concept and how having good self concept affects their lifestyle choices.
Review questions Define the term self concept- Define the term self esteem- Why is having good self concept important to good overall health?
Attitude Attitude- an opinion or general feeling about something, in general how you react to life. Attitude is a choice and a daily decision. We are in charge of our own attitudes.
Life Life: is 10 percent of what happens to you and 90 percent of how you react to it. Start your day with a good attitude and good things may happen and vice versa.
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