Revelation 6:1-8 Daniel’s 70th Week Begins—The Beginning of Sorrows The First Seal Opened v. 1, 2 I saw—The Lamb I heard— one of the creatures say, COME!! I looked— A white horse, (peace & righteousness)
A rider sitting with a bow, (strength) A crown stephanos was given to him, authority of leadership, victory by cunning and deceit 2 Thess. 2:9-10 He went out conquering and to conquer Daniel 11:36-45 Bringing a false & deceptive contract of peace to Israel
The Second Seal Opened v. 3, 4 I heard—second living creature say, COME!! A red horse, blood and fire A rider sitting on it He is granted to take peace from the earth So that, men slay one another And he is given a great sword Given power to make war
The Third Seal Opened v. 5, 6 I heard—third living creature say, COME!! I looked— A black horse Lam. 5:10 A rider sitting with scales in his hands A voice speaks (from the center of the creatures) quart of wheat—denarius 3 quarts of barley—denarius Do not hurt the oil or wine Famine and control of food resources
The Fourth Seal opened v. 7, 8 I heard—fourth living creature say, Come!! I looked— A ashen horse, chloros A rider sitting named—Death Rev. 1:18, 20:13-14 Hades followed with him, (grave)
He is granted authority to kill, in four ways sword famine pestilence wild beasts of the earth Limited authority—only one fourth of the earth Death by war, starvation, disease and wild beasts