Non-Drive End Vertical Motor Bearing Point M = Turning Speed Nonsynchronous Peak
Non-Drive End Vertical Motor Bearing Point High Resolution (0 – 45,000rpm) M = Turning Speed Side Band Peaks around Turning Speed and Harmonics spaced at 36rpm.
Non-Drive End Vertical Motor Bearing Point (125,000 – 160,000rpm) Each of these peaks are spaced at 7200rpm from Rotor Bar Frequency 40x Turning Speed Rotor Bar Frequency?
Non-Drive End Horizontal Motor Bearing Point M = Turning Speed Nonsynchronous Peak is at 0.09 in/sec
Non-Drive End Axial Motor Bearing Point M = Turning Speed Nonsynchronous Peak is at 0.01 in/sec
Non-Drive End Axial Motor Bearing Point High Resolution (0 – 45,000rpm) M = Turning Speed Side Band Peaks around Turning Speed and Harmonics spaced at 36rpm. Are these Pole Pass Frequency Side Bands?
Drive End Vertical Motor Bearing Point Nonsynchronous Peaks are 7200rpm away from 40xTurning Speed peak M = Turning Speed
Drive End Horizontal Motor Bearing Point Nonsynchronous Peaks at 7200rpm away from 40xTurning Speed peak M = Turning Speed