The IGN Yebes Observatory: story of a development


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Presentation transcript:

The IGN Yebes Observatory: story of a development by Jesús Gómez-González IGN Deputy Director for Astronomy, Geophysics and Space Applications

1. INTRODUCTION / OBJECTIVES To present the evolution of the quite successful (and slow) process of development of radio astronomy in Spain (at IGN). WHO carried out that process? WHEN it has been carried out? HOW it was carried out?

WHO? National Geographic Institute (IGN) General Ibáñez de Ibero First IAG President

IGN Present activities and projects Dept. Astronomy and Geophysics Dept. Geodesy and Cartography mm-Radioastronomy (Galaxies; star and planetary systems formation) VLBI (geodesical and astronomical) GGOS Seismology (Research and monitoring service) Volcanology (Research and monitoring service) Geomagnetism, Geoelectricity Gravimetry (Absolute, SG) GGOS Fundamental /Global Geodynamics GGOS Astronomy Geophysics Geodesy Applied to cartography and positioning /navigation system Basic Derived Cartography

Total staff ~ 650

WHEN? Since 1974 till present But we reached “cruise speed” in 2008, with the start of use of the RT40m in VLBI observations. HOW?

National Geographic Institute (IGN) of Spain Historic milestones 1790 1870 1904 Support ROM Present 1931 1974 1995 Astronomy Geodesy Geophysics (Geomag, Seism.) Meteorology Cartography Radioastr. Techniques Yebes Observatory VLBI IGN IGN/ROM Geodesy Cartography Astronomy Geodesy Geophysics Meteorology Cartography Services Calendar Official Hour (Earth rotation) INM Meteorology

Royal Observatory of Madrid (ROM) Jorge Juan Meassurement of meridian (1736)

2. Present status of experimental (observational) radio astronomy in Spain 2.1 Facilities Own facilities: RT40m, RAEGE

Yebes Observatory: RT 40-m RT 13-m RAEGE CDT Laboratories and infrastructures

2. Present status of experimental (observational) radio astronomy in Spain 2.1 Facilities Own facilities: RT40m, RAEGE Shared facilities: IRAM): RT30m PV (Spain (IGN-MPG-CNRS) NOEMA: 10x15m PdB (France)

IRAM: RT 30-m @ Pico de Veleta (Granada, Spain) Interferometer @ Plateau de Bure (France)


2.1 Facilities Shared facilities: RAEGE: 4 x 13.2m VGOS radio telescopes (IGN / GRA, PT) (up to 90 GHz) JIVERIC: Spain (through IGN), UK, The Netherlands, Sweden, France associated: Germany, Italy, South Africa, China Headquarters: Dwingeloo (The Netherlands)

EVN / JIVE: 18 radio telescopes in 16 institutes (Europe, China, South Africa, USA, Russia)

2.1 Facilities Shared facilities: ALMA: 3% of observing time (Spain, through ESO)

Technological/instrumental developments 2.1 Activities: Technological/instrumental developments Development of components (LNAs, feeds, …) Receivers (front-ends, back-ends) Control systems (software, hardware) Holography Means at disposal: Laboratories (electronic, criogenics, microwaves, electrochemistry) Workshops (mechanics, metrology) Facilities (anechoic chamber, …)

(See talk by Paco Colomer on Wednesday) 2.1 Activities: Scientific: VLBI (astronomical and geodetic/geodynamical) Molecular spectroscopy (galaxies, interstellar medium, circumstellar medium, evolved stars…) Means at disposal: Own and shared radio telescopes, including access to space (ISO, Herschel). About 60 refereed publications produced per year. (See talk by Paco Colomer on Wednesday)

2.3 Present staff: (only radioastronomical activities) Radioastronomers (Yebes+OAN): 15 High-level engineers: 13 Students (astro/tech): 9 Technicians: Technical support staff: Administration: TOTAL =

3. Development process To reach the present status has meant: Many efforts (of many kinds, along many years) Many experiences (some positive, all interesting) Quite a lot of lessons well learned!

3.1 Starting point (the RT14m radio telescope) In 1973, IGN orders to ESSCO (USA) the construction of a 13.7m dish radio telescope with capacity to operate up to 100 GHz Status at the starting of the installation at Yebes Obs. (1976): Staff of only 2 people (1 radio astronomer + 1 engineer) Antenna with serious structural problems Room temperature 90-100 GHz receiver, with 7000 K noise temp. (built by Telecom. Engineering School in Madrid) Most difficult conditions (antenna+receiver) for setup and calibration Without much support (personnel, technical, budget resources)

3.2 Status at around 1990:

3.3 Construction of the RT40m radio telescope (1992-) 3.3.1 First steps: To set the technical specifications (expert workshop in 1992) D >= 40 meters Freq >= 49 GHz -> 90 – 115 GHz Vslew >= 3º/sec (geodetic VLBI) Feasibility study by INISEL ESPACIO (Spain) Capability of Spanish companies for construction Design by a company with expertise First contacts with MAN (MT Mechatronics) and KRUPP (Vertex) Adapt design of RT 30m in Pico Veleta -> RT 40m

3.3 Construction of the RT40m radio telescope (1992-) Construction concept: Goals to achieve:

3.4 Construction of the RT40m radio telescope

3.5 Milestones of the process

4. Some lessons learned: Regarding where and how:

TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS FROM YEBES OBSERVATORY TO THE WORLD Nyalesund, NMA FGI, Finlandia VIRAC, Letonia KASI, Corea del Sur Harvard Ishioka, GSI JCMT NRAO RAEGE . St María . Flores . Tenerife Technion, Israel Arecibo Academia Sinica, Taiwan Europa Yebes Nodo central IRAM, Granada IRAM, Plateau de Bure Wettzell, BKG Cerdeña, Italia ETH, Suiza Astron, Holanda FGI, TTI, Finlandia Jodrell Bank, Gran Bretaña NyAlesund, Noruega VIRAC, Letonia ALMA IPE Tidinbilla, DSN, JPL Uni. Chile U. La Plata Hobart Ohiggins, BKG Yebes Observatory LNA Cryogenic receivers Radiotelescopes Systems