16.3America Moves Toward War
16.3 Questions What countries made up the Axis? What was unique about the Selective Service Act? What was FDR’s slogan for the U.S. before our entry into WWII? What mistake did Hitler make at this time? What was the Atlantic Charter? What event led to the U.S. entering the war?
The Axis Threat In September of 1940, Japan, Germany, and Italy signed the Tripartite Pact. These 3 countries became known as the Axis. FDR feared a two-ocean war, which looked more likely.
The Great Arsenal of Democracy FDR also wins reelection against Wendell Willkie. Finally in 1940, FDR initiated the Lend-Lease Program. FDR convinces Congress to revise the Neutrality Acts. The US created the cash & carry program. FDR also enacted the first peacetime draft in 1940 under the Selective Training and Service Act. Drafting 1 million Americans for 1 year.
Germany Strategies With the conquest of France & the battle raging against England, Hitler makes what becomes the biggest mistake of the war. Hitler attacks the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. Germany begins to fight the convoy system by using wolf packs, submarines grouped into units of 15-20 subs. U Boat Stalin eventually develops “scorched-earth policy,” which cripples the blitzkrieg attack.
The Atlantic Charter Establish a permanent system of general security (this became the United Nations). Those who abided by this became known as the Allies. 8. FDR & Churchill meet secretly in the Atlantic Ocean to discuss what to do with Germany once they are defeated. 1. No territorial expansion. 2. No territorial changes without consent of inhabitants. 3. People choose own form of government. 4. Free trade. 5. International cooperation to promote welfare. 6. Secure peace by removing want & fear. 7. Disarm aggressors.
The Attack on Pearl Sinking or damaging 18 ships, destroying 350 airplanes, and killing 2,400 people. The Japanese lost only 29 planes. The Empire of Japan attacked the US without warning or formal declaration of war on December 7, 1941. The attack crippled the US Pacific Fleet. Because of isolationism, submarine attacks were not sufficient to entice the US to enter WW II.