12. Further Topics in Analysis Orthogonal Polynomials Bernoulli Numbers Euler-Maclaurin Integration Formula Dirichlet Series Infinite Products Asymptotic Series Method of Steepest Descent Dispersion Relations
1. Orthogonal Polynomials Rodrigues Formulas : 2nd order Sturm-Liouville ODE with E.g., Legendre, Hermite, Laguerre, Chebyshev, ... Note: Bessel functions are series. Set where Coef. of xn :
Self-adjoint form : with ( § 8.2 )
ODE : Rodrigues formula Cn = any const
Example 12.1.1. Rodrigues Formula for Hermite ODE Hermite polynomials :
Schlaefli Integral C encloses x & f analytic on & within C.
Generating Functions Let fn(x) be a family of functions. C encloses t = 0. g is good for deriving recurrence relations :
Example 12.1.2. Hermite Polynomials Hn = Hermite polynomials
Finding Generating Functions For polynomial solutions to 2nd order Sturm-Liouville ODE ( fn = yn describable by Rodrigues formula & Schaefli integral ) : C encloses x and w pn analytic on & within C.
Example 12.1.3. Legendre Polynomials Legendre ODE : ( ODE is self-adjoint ) for Legendre polynomials interchange justified if series converges
Thus, integrand is analytic for ( C lies between z & z+ ). z+() is outside (inside) C.
Summary: Orthogonal Polynomials
2. Bernoulli Numbers Bn = Bernoulli numbers Caution: Definition not unique. n 1
Recursion Relation for Bn
m = 2,3, ... Let m even m odd
Values of B2n Mathematica
Another Generating Function
Contour Integral Representation analytic near z = 0. C encloses 0 but no other poles E.g. : Bn : rather tedious
Better Contour
Caution : another often used definition is Mathematica Caution : another often used definition is Number theory : von Staudt-Clausen theorem E.g.
Miscellaneous Usages of Bn In sums : In series expansions : e.g., tanx, cotx, ln|sinx|, sin1x, ln|tanx|, cosh 1x, tanhx, cothx, etc
Bernoulli Polynomials Mathematica
Properties of Bn (x) x both sides : x = 1 :
3. Euler-Maclaurin Integration Formula Consider n 1
n 1 n = 0 is a special case since B1 1/2 0. Euler-Maclaurin integration formula
Euler-Maclaurin integration formula Approximate sum by integral
Example 12.3.1. Estimation of (3)
Table 12.4. (3) Without remainder term, convergence is only asymptotic: m (3) =1.202056903... Mathematica Improvement : E-M formula starts at ns .