Welcome to Middlesex University School of Health and Education
SCHOOL OF HEALTH AND EDUCATION Strong partnership working on Hendon campus and in London schools and hospitals Innovative range of programmes – many of which are professionally accredited. Excellent records in learning and teaching: QAA reviews and high quality provision for primary and secondary Initial Teacher Training – Ofsted rated us as ‘Good with outstanding features’ in March 2012 Strong guidance and support from experts in their field – spending time in practice; Make the most of assessment and feedback opportunities to help you School of Health and Education, a School providing academic and professional education and research in the broad areas of physical, psychological and social health and wellbeing. We are large in terms of both staff and student numbers and the nature of our provision requires excellent partnership working with National Health Service Trusts, Social Care Trusts and Local Authorities, Schools, Colleges, charities and social enterprises. We are involved in producing well equipped practitioners prepared to meet and effectively work with the health and social care challenges facing people in life today. Sites: Move to Hendon from the Summer – retain hospital sites Innovations: First University to offer Veterinary Nursing at degree level – many others now doing this First University to offer European Nursing where a experience with one of our partners counts towards academic award and professional registration First University to offer Herbal Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and now Ayruveda in our complementary health provision Professional Accreditation includes: NMC; GSCC; HPC; OFSTED; BPS; BASRaT; and BAAC
UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES underpinned by Research Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work, Veterinary nursing Complementary Health Sciences Primary and Early Years teacher training, Education and Early Childhood Studies Plus A range of post graduate and Doctoral Provision; strong track record of Professional Doctorates A rich history of collaborative working in the UK and particularly in Europe where we have a strong record of success in funding for research projects but also curriculum development in the health field and in professional practice. In September hosted 3 International Conferences- Evidence Based Parenting; Promotion of Mental Health in Europe; Intercultural Nurse Education in European projects but also curriculum development in the health field and in professional practice.
Middlesex University BA Hons Primary Education (with QTS) BA Primary Education Middlesex University BA Hons Primary Education (with QTS) 4
Enrichment opportunities Opportunity to follow a specialism in mathematics or science Opportunity to complete an enrichment placement in a Special School in year 2 Opportunity to study abroad in year 3
Why choose this programme? The Primary Partnership The University works in close partnership with over 200 schools to train students across London and beyond. Many (50% in 2015) of our students gain their first teaching post in a partnership school 90% in 2015 had teaching posts at the end of their degree After five years of teaching our employment figures of Middlesex teachers are higher than the London sector average.
Overview of the Programme BA (Hons) Primary Education A three year full time programme. Students are trained to teach children aged 5-11 years. On completion students will gain an honours degree with QTS (Qualified Teacher Status).
BA (Hons) Primary Educationn Year 1 English, mathematics and science for the Primary Teacher Art, Humanities Teaching English, mathematics, science, IT and PE at Reception and Key Stage One Professional Studies for School Based Training One and School Based Training One (Reception/Key Stage One) Year 2 Teaching English, Mathematics, Science, IT and PE at Key Stage Two Professional Studies for School Based Training Two and School Based Training Two (Key Stage One or Two) Cross Curricular Studies, Music, RE/ Citizenship Special Educational Needs Year 3 School Based Training Three Issues in Science and IT, English, Mathematics , Humanities and Inclusive Practices
Learning Strategies Seminars Workshops Lectures PE taught in a partnership school Independent study
Studying at Middlesex Students are taught in groups of 25 Students attend 6/7 taught sessions a week, the rest of the time is spent in tutorials and on independent and group study Sessions are typically 90 minutes Sessions are timetabled between 9am – 6pm
Assessment Students are assessed in a variety of ways, including essays, structured tasks, observation, presentations, portfolio and performance.
School Based Training (SBT) Professional Studies for SBT This module prepares students for School Based Training. Students spend one day a week with their class prior to the block practice. A day in school is usually 8.15 am – 5pm
School Based Training BA Primary Reception Key Stage 1 or 2 Programme Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 BA Primary Reception Key Stage 1 or 2
Characteristics of a Middlesex student teacher You : have an anchored integrity; respect yourself & others; a strong ethical sense & balance; knowledge of how children learn; are kind, fair and inclusive; empathetic, thoughtful, reflective, critical of top down initiatives- realistic yet savvy; inspirational; enquiring; adaptable; can take risks; are an active communicator; sideways thinker; creative; competent; confident; have a range of growing pedagogies & knowledge
Characteristics of a Middlesex student teacher You : have an anchored integrity; respect yourself & others; a strong ethical sense & balance; knowledge of how children learn; are kind, fair and inclusive; empathetic, thoughtful, reflective, critical of top down initiatives- realistic yet savvy; inspirational; enquiring; adaptable; can take risks; are an active communicator; sideways thinker; creative; competent; confident; have a range of growing pedagogies & knowledge
University Link tutors Supporting students On campus Pre Course Materials Induction week Access to tutors Academic Tutor system LET and UniHub Pre –induction day In school School mentors University Link tutors UniHub
Experience in schools At least 10 days in a school recently Indicate the names of the schools/settings and the dates when you were there
Qualified Teacher Status Professional Skills Tests You must pass professional skills tests in numeracy and literacy as part of the application process before you start the course. If you haven’t passed at the time of the interview, and you receive an offer, it will be conditional on passing the tests. Conditional offer letters (subject to passing the skills tests) will include a date by which you need to have passed the tests. Please keep the admissions office updated on your test results. We will be offering support with the skills tests
Professional Skills Tests Registration and booking for the skills tests are available on the Department for Education website. www.education.gov.uk ‘Qualified Teacher Status’ There are interactive practice tests on the Teacher Agency website www.education.gov.uk/schools/careers/traininganddevelopment/professional/b00211219/special-arrangements/practice-materials The test is an online test taken at a designated test centre. We encourage you to take your skills tests as soon after applying for the course. You will need to provide evidence of your application to an ITE course when you attend the test centre.
Numeracy skills test The numeracy skills test is in two parts taken on the same day. The test is a professional skills test and is designed to assess your ability to handle school data and the mathematics used daily within your professional role. The first is a timed mental maths test that is reliant on your confidence in mental calculation. You can help yourself by revising number facts, particularly ensuring your fluency in multiplication facts. Ensure you are familiar with interpreting data from a variety of tables, graphs and diagrams. There is a lot of online and face to face support in preparing you for your numeracy skills tests.
Literacy skills test The literacy test covers spelling, punctuation, grammar and comprehension. Teachers need to have a confident knowledge of English. Teachers need to spell correctly and read and use punctuation correctly. In their professional role, teachers will encounter and produce a great deal of written texts which they must understand and to which they must respond. The grammar and comprehension sections are multiple choice questions. Prepare for the tests by completing the interactive tests and other practice papers. The commentaries which give explanations for the correct answers are useful in supplying further understanding on aspects of literacy.
What next? Keep in touch! Look at the wiki Engage with pre course tasks 10 days experience in school (if not already done) Get ready for induction week! 26th September 2016
Any questions? Please contact: Helen Farmery Programme Leader BA (Hons) Primary Education h.farmery@mdx.ac.uk