One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest By Ken Kesey 1962
Ken Kesey’s Bio Born 1935 in Colorado –grew up in Oregon High School athlete, actor, and writer. Voted “Most Likely to Succeed” in his high school class. Graduate student at Stanford University, received fellowship for creative writing– in 1959, took part in voluntary government drug experiments for Menlo Park Veterans Hospital
Influences on Cuckoo’s Nest Took various hallucinogens, which influenced his writing of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Dedicated the book to Vik Lovell, a student who suggested he take part in the experiments for extra money.
Film Version 1975 – Film version of Cuckoo’s Nest is released. Kesey refuses to see film and sues filmmakers for artistic tampering and breach of contract. Collects small settlement. Film wins 5 Academy Awards.
Characteristics of the Novel Most novels have the following qualities: A novel is any extended fictional prose narrative. The intent is entertainment, at least partly. The subject is presented as fiction, though it may be partly factual.
The subject is familiar, credible and plausible, i. e The subject is familiar, credible and plausible, i.e. readers believe in the places and characters. There are a small number of central characters. A single plot, however fragmented or tangential, eventually unites the events and characters.
The protagonist(s) evolve(s) and grow(s) in the course of the novel; characters are more "rounded" — fleshed-out — than are the "flat," one-dimensional characters of earlier literary genres. The story occurs in an identifiable time and place (setting).
The Beat Generation Artistic and social movement that began in the early 1950's small and tightly connected group of young writers Centered in San Francisco and New York Art and writing tended to reject traditional American society and its values
The Term “Beat” The term “Beat” was reportedly coined by Jack Kerouac in the late 1940's. Became a slang term in America after World War II, meaning "exhausted" or "beat down“ Provided this generation with a definitive label for their personal perspectives.
Beat Writers Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Jack Kerouac Ken Kesey epitomized the Beat movement in his personal life and writing. “Beatniks,” expressed their alienation from conventional, or “square,” society by adopting an almost uniform style of seedy dress, manners, and “hip” vocabulary borrowed from jazz musicians.
Values Members demonstrated a non-traditional approach to literature, as well as a demonstrative social stance against the "The Establishment" (mainstream middle-America). Often referred to as a “Counterculture” movement.
Merry Pranksters Highly influential to Hippie culture through formation of “Merry Pranksters” – clothing, music, art, “happenings” One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1962) a critical and commercial success – gave Kesey the money needed to form and travel with his group