ARC 5: Deployment Options Chris Donley July 11, 2017
Agenda Terminology (completion from last week - see email thread) Vimal’s update Deployment options (Chris) SO perspective (Seshu)
Possible deployments
VFC/APPC Architecture Option 1 (baseline from ONS) Performs Service Orchestration functions: Decomposes services Hands off to controllers for service/application instantiation Portal OPEN-O UI (GUI/CLI) Run-time Modeling (specs & Utilities) Integration Certification & Lab Security High Availability Dashboard OA&M (VID) External Data Movement & APIs Design-time A&AI Service Orchestration SDC UI Server VNF Design Service Design Performs resource management functions: Instantiates VNFM(s) Manages VIM VNF onboarding Hands off to VNFM to launch VNF Workflow Design Common Service DMaaP ESR Auth. Microservice Bus Policy Creation Os-Nfvo SDN-C APP-C VF-C (NFV-O) DCAE Policy Analytic Application Creation Alarm Correlation App (Holmes) Or-vnfm Recipie/ Engineering Rules & Policy Distribution (G/S)-VNFM Proposed by Lingli. Also the version shown at ONS and May Developer conference. Release 1 target to reduce scope of changes? NFV-O NFV Collector (Monitor) Catalog Performs VNF Management functions: Instantiates/configures VNF Manages VNF lifecycle Multi-VIM/MultiCloud VNF SDK Cloud & WAN OpenStack VMware RackSpace Azure ......
VFC/APPC Architecture Option 2 (Jamil) Performs Service Orchestration functions: Decomposes services Hands off to controllers for service/application instantiation Portal OPEN-O UI (GUI/CLI) Run-time Modeling (specs & Utilities) Integration Certification & Lab Security High Availability Dashboard OA&M (VID) External Data Movement & APIs Design-time A&AI Service Orchestration SDC UI Server VNF Design Service Design Performs resource management functions: Instantiates VNFM(s) Manages VIM VNF onboarding Hands off to VNFM to launch VNF Workflow Design Common Service DMaaP ESR Auth. Microservice Bus Policy Creation Os-Nfvo SDN-C VF-M (NFV-O) DCAE Policy Analytic Application Creation Alarm Correlation App (Holmes) Or-vnfm Recipie/ Engineering Rules & Policy Distribution Multi VNFM/EMS Driver Proposed by Jamil Longer-term target given defined functional blocks and interfaces? APP-C gvnfm Other? Performs VNF Management functions: Instantiates/configures VNF Manages VNF lifecycle NFV-O NFV Collector (Monitor) Catalog Multi-VIM/MultiCloud VNF SDK Cloud & WAN OpenStack VMware RackSpace Azure ......
VFC/APPC Architecture Option 3 (Vimal Option 2) Performs Service Orchestration functions: Decomposes services Hands off to controllers for service/application instantiation Portal OPEN-O UI (GUI/CLI) Run-time Modeling (specs & Utilities) Integration Certification & Lab Security High Availability Dashboard OA&M (VID) External Data Movement & APIs Design-time A&AI Service Orchestration SDC UI Server VNF Design Service Design Performs resource management functions: Instantiates VNFM(s) Manages VIM VNF onboarding Hands off to VNFM to launch VNF Workflow Design Common Service DMaaP ESR Auth. Microservice Bus Policy Creation SDN-C APP-C DCAE Policy Analytic Application Creation Alarm Correlation App (Holmes) VF-C (NFV-O) Recipie/ Engineering Rules & Policy Distribution Multi VNFM/EMS Driver Proposed by Vimal Layering doesn’t make sense Performs VNF Management functions: Instantiates/configures VNF Manages VNF lifecycle NFV-O NFV Collector (Monitor) Catalog Multi-VIM/MultiCloud VNF SDK Cloud & WAN OpenStack VMware RackSpace Azure ......
ONAP Controller – Option 1A (runtime selection) Service Orchestrator APP-C VF-C VNFs
ONAP Controller – Option 1B (runtime selection) Service Orchestrator APP-C VF-C VNFs