Public Health Law and Policy: Principles, Examples, and Applications Lauren Dunning, JD, MPH Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Disclaimer Opinions expressed in this presentation are solely the presenters own and do not express the views or opinions of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Information and opinions expressed herein are those of the presenter, given in a personal and unofficial capacity, and do not represent official policies or positions of the County of Los Angeles. This presentation is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.
Presentation Roadmap The Role of Policy in Public Health Policy and Planning: Tools and Examples Discussion
The Role of Policy in Public Health Image attributed to Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint
The Role of Policy in Public Health Public Health Policy Laws Regulations Other Rules Voluntary Actions
The Role of Policy in Public Health Government as market participant Incentives and collaboration Laws and regulations
Government as Market Participant I THEREFORE MOVE THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Instruct the CEO and County Departments to consult with the Director of the Department of Public Health prior to the release of any Requests for Proposals for County food services contracts that involve the purchase, distribution, and/or sale of food and beverages in County facilities and programs to ensure that dietary requirements within the final contract promote healthy nutrition and comply with previously adopted Board policies. The Director of the Department of Public Health will work directly with affected agencies to incorporate nutrition recommendations to the extent feasible within each contract.
Government Intervention for Health Government as market participant Incentives and collaboration Laws and regulations
Choose Health LA Restaurants A Choose Health LA Restaurant: Offers customers smaller portion size options of their favorite meals along with the existing menu items Offers healthier children’s meals that include fruits and vegetables, healthy beverages, and non-fried foods Offers customers chilled water, free of charge
Government Intervention for Health Procurement and use of public resources Incentives Laws and regulations
Laws & Regulations State Non-Medical Exemptions from School Immunization Requirements Image attributed to National Conference of State Legislatures
Presentation Roadmap The Role of Policy in Public Health Policy and Planning: Tools and Examples Discussion
Policy and Planning: Tools Policy Tracking Monitor policy activities at the state, federal, and local levels that impact public health Policy Agenda Identify and prioritize emerging policy issues, both short- and long-term, that public health should proactively participate in addressing Strategic Planning Ensure long-term strategic plans inform and support policy agendas and focuses on cross-cutting and critical emerging issues .
Policy and Planning: Tools Policy Issues: Identification and Development Policy Agenda Programmatic Meetings Expert and Stakeholder Interviews Issue Development and Prioritization Political Engagement
Policy and Planning: Tools I. Short Term Topic Description Previous Action Existing Language Impact (1-5) Urgency Feasibility Political Ripeness (1-5) II. Long Term Description (e.g. barrier or area of work) Existing Laws/ regulations Target (e.g. state, County, city, institutional)
Policy and Planning: Examples Issue Tool Culture Independent Diagnostic Testing in Laboratories Regulation Enforcement of Public Health Directives Motion Extended Producer Responsibility Ordinance
Example: Farmers’ Markets
Example: Farmers’ Markets Land Use Private Property Public Property Streets LA City X Code EBT Code (parks) LA County San Francisco On December 16, 2015, Councilmember Jose Huizar moved for the Department of Public Works to report on the City’s authority to require EBT (CalFresh) access at farmers markets and develop a policy for monitoring and enforcing an EBT access requirement at farmers markets and requiring proof of EBT card acceptance when applying for a special events permit to operate a farmers market on City property. The Council adopted the motion on May 13, 2016. The City Attorney submitted a draft ordinance including an amendment to the municipal code requiring EBT card acceptance at farmers markets on City property or on City streets. The Department of Building and Safety also submitted a report which documented the procedure for issuing special event permits to farmers markets on private property to require markets to accept EBT cards as well. The Entertainment and Facilities Committee approved the ordinance with these amendments on December 13, 2016.
Presentation Roadmap The Role of Policy in Public Health Policy and Planning: Tools and Examples Discussion
Public Health Law and Policy: Principles, Examples, and Applications Lauren Dunning, JD, MPH Los Angeles County Department of Public Health