Causes of the American Revolution! Retaliation
52 53 Causes #13-14 Retaliation Causes #13-14 Retaliation Preview: 52 53 Causes #13-14 Retaliation Causes #13-14 Retaliation Preview: The First Continental Congress set up ___________ throughout the colonies.
Lexington and Concord 1775 Cause: British General Gage learned that the colonists were storing arms and ammunition at Concord a town twenty miles from Boston
Lexington and Concord 1775
Lexington and concord 1775 Shots are fired as colonists try to defend at Lexington No one knows who fired the “Shot heard ‘round the world”
Contributes to the mistrust of the British and their army…
What do the colonists do?
52 53 Causes #13-14 Retaliation Causes #13-14 Retaliation Preview: 52 53 Causes #13-14 Retaliation Causes #13-14 Retaliation Preview: The First Continental Congress set up ___________ throughout the colonies. What do you think the colonists should do after L&C?
2nd Continental Congress Set up a Continental Army with George Washington as Leader Met in Philadelphia
Battle at Bunker Hill 1775 In response to the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the British began occupying parts of the area surrounding Boston. Col. Prescott (colonist) sets up posts on Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill across the harbor from Boston the next day redcoats assemble and CHARGE! Colonial militia were running out of ammunition Because they were low on ammunition they had to be careful with how much ammunition they used. “Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.”
Battle at Bunker Hill 1775
Battle at Bunker Hill 1775 Result: The English won this battle because the Americans ran out of ammunition but more than 1,000 British soldiers were dead or wounded
COLONISTS WATCH THE BATTLE FROM THEIR ROOFTOPS. Battle at Bunker Hill 1775 Result: The British were learning that it was going to be a hard fight against the Americans COLONISTS WATCH THE BATTLE FROM THEIR ROOFTOPS.
2nd Continental Congress For many in congress this shows repeated injury and a pattern of abuse. Congress meets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania King Realized this would not be an easy rebellion to squash.
52 53 Causes #13-14 Retaliation Causes #13-14 Retaliation Preview: 52 53 Causes #13-14 Retaliation Causes #13-14 Retaliation Preview: The First Continental Congress set up ___________ throughout the colonies. What do you think the colonists should do after L&C? Process: Even though no formal declaration of war has been made. Is war avoidable? Can peace be achieved? Explain. (Opinion) Lexington and Concord: First Shots, “Shot heard ‘round the world” Battle of Bunker Hill: British learned this was more than a little rebellion 2nd Continental Congress: A way colonists organized and used their voice in government
54 55 Causes #15-16 Too Late to Apologize Causes #15-16 Too Late to Apologize Preview: Looking back at perspective– what group wanted a peaceful solution to their issue’s with England?
Olive Branch Petition 1775 Olive Branch is a symbol for peace or “truce” Many colonists were not prepared to declare independence from Great Britain, so they made one last effort to reach out to King George III to prevent war.
Olive Branch Petition 1775 Effect: 2nd Continental Congress sent petition to the King (Asked for peace) King’s Response King refuses and hired 30, 000 German Hessians to fight alongside British troops
54 55 Causes #15-16 Too Late to Apologize Causes #15-16 Too Late to Apologize Preview: Looking back at perspective– what group wanted a peaceful solution to their issue’s with England? If you were a colonist how would you take the King’s refusal and hiring of soldiers?
54 55 Causes #15-16 Too Late to Apologize Causes #15-16 Too Late to Apologize Preview: Looking back at perspective– what group wanted a peaceful solution to their issue’s with England? If you were a colonist how would you take the King’s refusal and hiring of soldiers?
Common Sense 1776 What is it? It was a pamphlet by Thomas Paine which called for the Common Man to call for Independence “It makes common sense to the common man to break away from Britain”
Common Sense 1776 Over the course of the next six months “Common Sense” spreads throughout the colonies More people join the cause for Independence.
54 55 Causes #15-16 Too Late to Apologize Causes #15-16 Too Late to Apologize Preview: Looking back at perspective– what group wanted a peaceful solution to their issue’s with England? If you were a colonist how would you take the King’s refusal and hiring of soldiers? Common Sense was a simple Pamphlet that inspired others to fight for the cause of independence. Have you ever read an article, heard a song, or seen a video that inspired you to take action? Remember: Olive Branch Petition: document sent to King asking for peace he refused it Common Sense: pamphlet that inspired people to fight for the cause of independence