Presentation “Preparation for piloting REDD+ payment at commune level”


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation “Preparation for piloting REDD+ payment at commune level” NGO Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) Monthly Meeting Hanoi, Aug. 2, 2012 Presentation “Preparation for piloting REDD+ payment at commune level” by Vu Thị Hien, Director of CERDA

Project “Pilot of capacity building for ethnic minority community’s readiness for REDD Plus in two communes, in Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam” Duration: June 2010 – May 2013 Funded by Norad In partnership with 10 organizations in 10 countries and Tebtebba is the coordinator and trainer

Pilot area and beneficiary Project area: two demo communes in Vo Nhai and Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province, North of Vietnam Local beneficiaries: ethnic minority groups and local community who live in or near forest + Binh Long: 1,312 households in 20 villages + Phuc Luong: 229 households in 5 villages

REDD+ piloting ? Pilot under two system of forest land management: Forest is under the community management (1,300 ha natural forest in 20 villages, Binh Long commune) Forest is under the household management (220 ha of natural forest in 5 village in Phuc Luong commune Work on “+ /Plus” Kind of forest Natural forest Multi- native species forest

What is the project goal? “Ethnic minorities in the pilot areas are ready to the REDD Plus program with full participation and fair benefits; The results of the pilot shared at national level for development of carbon/REDD+ based policies and a tool for better forest management in upland areas in Vietnam”

Approach Landscape approach: REDD+ interventions considered as an emission reduction service. All people living in the same landscape who contributes to “emission reductions from forest” is eligible to enjoy REDD+ benefit Integrated and holistic intervention economically, socially and environmentally; Rights-based approach, Promotion of customary institution and traditional knowledge Full FPIC Social and environment safeguards Ethnic minorities works as legal entity/independent stakeholder through their legal institution

Intervention before and in parallel with REDD+ ? Forest land allocation to communities Livelihood

Intervention to work on REDD+ at commune level Institution development REDD+ aspect Capacity building REDD+

Interim results: Forest land allocation 1,300 ha forest land allocated to 60 CBOs in 20 villages with full FPIC application… Boundaries of 220 ha of natural forest in 5 village in Phuc Luong commune and 1,300 ha in 22 villages in Binh Long commune defined in reality Note: All boundaries done by villagers who trained on GPS and mapping. Forest land map referred from the official source

Interim results: Alternative livelihood New income from commodity production basing on organic oriented agriculture by Promoting compost, reducing chemicals; Commercial potatoes/ginger production; Edible canna grow and process for commercial powder; Increase income from agriculture with lower emission and more benefit: compost, no plough, less rice seeds and fertilizer …

Interim results: Institutional development to create the appropriate structure for REDD+ Mapping of all relevant stakeholders Awareness on customary laws on forest protection and management, CBOs and its networking, co-operative and its network 78 CBOs and 3 CBO-based co-operatives Network of co-operatives Key leaders of CBOs and management board of co-operatives voted and trained Regulations/rules for the CBO and Co-operative to ensure FPIC

Interim results: Institutional development (con’t) REDD+ technical group Community monitoring group Complaint mechanism Information system Benefit sharing mechanism Village convention for forest management with full FPIC

Interim results: REDD+ aspect 1) Awareness raising and discussion with all stakeholders on Impact of climate change; Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and plan if REDD+ implemented; Role of natural forest; REDD+ and solution for REDD+ at locality FPIC Social and environment safeguards MRV BDS

Interim results: REDD+ aspect (con’t) 2)Preparation for REDD+ proposal/payment Mapping forest with specific categories under REDD+, define area (refer official data and check randomly in reality) Clarify kinds of intervention /activities on forest for REDD+ Carbon mapping Carbon MRV Non –carbon MRV BDS

Interim results: Capacity building Contents: improve knowledge, methods and skills for heads of CBOs, of co-operative, local authority and villagers: Relevant laws, REDD+ governance Operation of CBOs, co-operative, network of co-operative Pilot REDD+ until payment Implementing livelihood activities: commodity production, sales contract through co-operative and its network, low emission agriculture

Interim results: Capacity building Capacity building for REDD+ technical group - GPS - Database maintain - Carbon measurement and mapping - Carbon MRV in field

Pictures of activities

Advantages and Challenges Local people and local authorities at all level strongly involves in REDD+ piloting project and they aware that they should do all project activities by themselves Participation, REDD+ governance -related issues in forest is totally new, it takes time.

Thank you very much for your attention