GFOI STATUS OVERVIEW Sep 2017 Stephen Ward, SDCG EXEC for CSIRO/NASA SDCG-12: ESA ESRIN, 4-8 September, 2017
Coordination and management Leads: USA: Evan & Sylvia (USAid, USGS) Norway: Henrik (NICFI) Australia: Anthony (DOTE, 2017 Chair) CEOS: Masanobu & Stephen (JAXA) FAO: Anssi Invitations issued to UK, Germany and ESA. Office: Staffed since Feb 16 (Aus and Norway $$) Tom Harvey based in Melbourne, additional staff being recruited Funding currently until the end of 2017. Working on multiple year extension for Phase 2, starting in 2018. Phase 2 well advanced – strong country emphasis, improved mechanisms for coordination: (i) gap analysis and needs assessments, (ii) joint work planning for priority needs/gaps and (iii) joint implementation of work plans. Proposal for Office to have budget to support some joint implementation that directly benefits countries.
Space Data – where are we up to? Global coverage accomplished - multiple core data streams in operation and ensuring the necessary EO data supply for the next decades Emphasis turns to data uptake and application – consistent with Phase 2 Pilot activities ongoing – Data Cube for Colombia and now Vietnam SDCG EXEC pursuing inclusion of Early Warning as GFOI activity – possible basis for the long-promised cooperation with WRI/GFW FAO unresponsive to SEPAL-CUBE collaboration offer All Element-3 agencies actively contributing Leads slow to clarify intent for the Data User Advisory Group (DUAG) USGS CEOS Capacity (inc GFOI) will reduce SDCG SEC support ends at CEOS Plenary Rationalisation of GFOI in CEOS structure: LSI-VC, GEOGLAM, SDCG trial meeting
MGD Re-established the MGD Advisory Group Maria Sanchez - now the Chair. Carly Green - secretariat for AG & Component Manager Proposed new members have been invited, awaiting confirmations (very soon) New TOR and SOPs established MGD AG directs the development of the MGD and supporting rapid response Modules AG also ensure that the MGD aligns with REDD+ country needs and provides guidance on operational methods New TOR established for the Component under Phase 2 – draft available Role and use of REDDcompass continues to grow rapidly: proving to be a valuable tool for system design (roadmaps/gap analysis) Engagement with CB: REDDcompass short courses - recently in Nepal, the University of Amazonia (Peru) & the University of Melbourne (2) Engagement with R&D Coord Component and expert meetings – prioritizing new/updated guidance needs including recently on accuracy assessment.
Capacity Building UN-REDD now the REDD+ team within FAO (diversified funding). Now focusing on 14 priority countries of Norway and less so the 64 UN-REDD countries, also more and more involved in FCPF implementation SilvaCarbon continuing to implement full work plan until September 30 2018. Significant USAid funding uncertainty (broadly) Hopeful that GIZ will continue to grow its involvement with GFOI CB GFOI CB Summit (donors, CB partners, and selected countries) ICIMOD – Kathmandu, Nepal, 18 to 22 Sept 2017 Considering best methods of training and joint work planning for Phase 2 REDDcompass short courses being jointly delivered by CB Partners and the MGD Component: Pacific Island countries, Uni of Melb (Dec 16) Nepal, ICIMOD (July 17) Peru, University of Amazonia (Aug 17) Indonesia, Uni of Melb (Sept 17)
R&D Coordination GOFC-GOLD working with ESA to secure component funding for Phase 2 Recent expert meetings on Accuracy Assessment on AD at FAO in April and in Oslo during late June. Agreed that FAQs style of guidance would be added to existing MGD Rapid Response Module on AA. Additional expert meetings on accuracy assessment for EFs & biomass maps proposed for Dec 17-Jan 18. Working closely with the FCPF to help address technical issues that countries are facing in reporting to the Carbon Fund. Webinar series on the materials from the ‘training the trainer’ workshop series. Big success with over 500 participants from 90 different countries. Sessions were recorded and have now been published online along with the workshop materials. R&D representation on the Leads Group initiated with invitation issued to ESA
In conclusion Phase 2 has opportunities and challenges – in particular CEOS needs to be part of effective partnerships for country engagement, with capacity building Few details on DUAG and CEOS engagement yet Changes to our capacity will have significant impact Need to emphasise concrete participation for Phase 2 (eg ALERT?) – lots of theory so far 2018 GFOI Plenary likely in Colombia where we have existing relationships – possible opportunities Strong central support for Office, coordination UK ££ could be a game-changer if realised