American Literature Daily
3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 1. Writing Prompt. > Step 1: Write! > Step 2: 2 Volunteers to read their writing aloud. 2. Word of the Day. 1. Word: definition. 2. “Example sentence.” 3. A new sentence, written by you. 3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 4. What did we do last class? What are we doing today? 5. The day’s Lesson. 6. What will we be doing next class? + Hw. 7. A Ticket to Leave.
Writing Prompt
3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 1. Writing Prompt. > Step 1: Write! > Step 2: 2 Volunteers to read their writing aloud. 2. Word of the Day. 1. Word: definition. 2. “Example sentence.” 3. A new sentence, written by you. 3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 4. What did we do last class? What are we doing today? 5. The day’s Lesson. 6. What will we be doing next class? + Hw. 7. A Ticket to Leave.
Each class period will begin with a Writing Prompt…
…in the form of a question or a statement.
In your notebooks…
…you will write the date and the prompt…
You will then take 5 – 10 minutes to write a response. Writing prompts will often relate to the day’s lesson, and/or the novel. They will serve to activate prior knowledge and help you to start inquisitively thinking about matters to come.
Soft music might be playing as you write.
After writing, we will have 2 volunteers to read their writing aloud.
If there are no volunteers, we will draw popsicle sticks. You will have 3 opportunities to pass before it begins to count against you.
Each student will eventually have to read (and probably multiple times), so be prepared! You will be graded on completion and eventual sharing.
After a classmate shares, we will clap, then – Questions / Comments / Nothings.
Word of the Day
3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 1. Writing Prompt. > Step 1: Write! > Step 2: 2 Volunteers to read their writing aloud. 2. Word of the Day. 1. Word: definition. 2. “Example sentence.” 3. A new sentence, written by you. 3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 4. What did we do last class? What are we doing today? 5. The day’s Lesson. 6. What will we be doing next class? + Hw. 7. A Ticket to Leave.
After this, you will flip your notebooks After this, you will flip your notebooks. (Or you can divide it in some other way.) This will be your notes/ vocab. section.
The “Word of the Day” will come from upcoming chapters in the novel, and will be words to “Lookout For” when reading the next night’s chapters.
Later that night…
We will begin by making a couple of guesses as to what the word might mean.
We will then record the definition, …
…an example sentence using the word, …
… and then … you will attempt to write a sentence of your own.
Summaries + Mini-Quizzes
3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 1. Writing Prompt. > Step 1: Write! > Step 2: 2 Volunteers to read their writing aloud. 2. Word of the Day. 1. Word: definition. 2. “Example sentence.” 3. A new sentence, written by you. 3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 4. What did we do last class? What are we doing today? 5. The day’s Lesson. 6. What will we be doing next class? + Hw. 7. A Ticket to Leave.
First, you will read aloud a brief summary of your assigned/selected chapter to the class.
Second, you will write your self-generated quiz question on the board. Your question can be at any level of difficulty. (Who filled the tree with cement? / In what way has Boo changed?) But it must pertain specifically to the assigned/chosen chapter. I.e. It can’t be “Who is Scout Finch?” unless you have the first chapter.
I will add my quiz question for the chapter beneath it.
The rest of the class will answer the questions, while you hand in three things.
1. Your chapter summary. 2. Your quiz question, answered by you. 3. Your favorite quote, passage, or line from the chapter, and why.
They can all be on one page too. This section will repeat itself, depending on how many chapters are due.
3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 1. Writing Prompt. > Step 1: Write! > Step 2: 2 Volunteers to read their writing aloud. 2. Word of the Day. 1. Word: definition. 2. “Example sentence.” 3. A new sentence, written by you. 3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 4. What did we do last class? What are we doing today? 5. The day’s Lesson. 6. What will we be doing next class? + Hw. 7. A Ticket to Leave.
3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 1. Writing Prompt. > Step 1: Write! > Step 2: 2 Volunteers to read their writing aloud. 2. Word of the Day. 1. Word: definition. 2. “Example sentence.” 3. A new sentence, written by you. 3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 4. What did we do last class? What are we doing today? 5. The day’s Lesson. 6. What will we be doing next class? + Hw. 7. A Ticket to Leave.
Fantastical things !!!
3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 1. Writing Prompt. > Step 1: Write! > Step 2: 2 Volunteers to read their writing aloud. 2. Word of the Day. 1. Word: definition. 2. “Example sentence.” 3. A new sentence, written by you. 3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 4. What did we do last class? What are we doing today? 5. The day’s Lesson. 6. What will we be doing next class? + Hw. 7. A Ticket to Leave.
Next Class?
Ticket to Leave
3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 1. Writing Prompt. > Step 1: Write! > Step 2: 2 Volunteers to read their writing aloud. 2. Word of the Day. 1. Word: definition. 2. “Example sentence.” 3. A new sentence, written by you. 3. Student Summaries + Quiz Questions. 4. What did we do last class? What are we doing today? 5. The day’s Lesson. 6. What will we be doing next class? + Hw. 7. A Ticket to Leave.
At the end of each class period, you will fill out a “Ticket to Leave Each question or prompt will vary based on the day.
The End.