Loan and Advances of Uttara Bank
Objectives of the Study General Objective: The general objective of the study is to figure out the Loan and Advances of Uttara Bank Ltd. Specific objectives are: ►To have idea regarding various types of Loan and Advances of Uttara Bank Limited. ► To identify the loan sanction procedure in different sectors in last some years. ► To identify the credit approval, their securities and monitoring process of Uttara Bank Limited . ► To identify the recovery rates of the loans in different sectors in last some years and have a comparison among them. ► To identify the problems regarding loan and advances and give some recommendations for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Loan and Advances services.
Methodology Sources of Data The primary sources that includes In order to make the study more meaningful and presentable two sources of data have been used such as--- The primary sources that includes Conversation with the respective officers and staffs of the branch. Practical work experience in the different desk of the department of the branch. Annual Report of Uttara Bank Ltd. Website of the Uttara Bank Ltd. Several books and periodicals related to the banking sector. Bangladesh Bank Report Different circular sent by the head Office of Uttara Bank Ltd. The Secondary sources enlisting
FINDINGS The loan and advance department takes a long time to process a loan because the process of sanctioning loan is done manually. Since loan and advances department is not fully automated there is a high risk of losing documents of disbursed loans. In case of advances in different sectors the rate of interest is too high. The bank does not provide more loan in the small and cottage industry and the agricultural, Fishing, and Forestry also. Installment time duration is relatively low. The Bank has a tendency to give loan only businessman. In 2010 the sector wise loan sanction shows that 55.11% in industrial sector and 28.5% in commercial sector.
FINDINGS Continue…….. UBL does not grant loans for new entrepreneurs, new businessman and new companies etc, which ultimately create “class banking” There are some mortgage problem such as acquisition, proprietorship and problem of asset. Not enough innovative products. Online banking facilities, ATM services and mobile Banking facility are not available. Absence of ethical banking or green banking.
Conclusion Loan and advances granted by Uttara Bank Ltd are highly beneficial for firms, individuals, companies and industrial concerns. Loan and Advances comprise the most important asset as well as the primary sources of earning of the bank . A prudent bank management should always try to make an appropriate balance between return and risk involved with the loan portfolio and unregulated bank might be with unregulated risk for maximizing its potential return . Credit Division of Uttara Bank has a very qualified and dedicated group of officers and staffs who are always trying to provide the best service to the clients. Credit department diversified their loans in different sectors classified by them. Among the sectors the bank doesn’t provide more loans in the agricultural side. The reason showed that this sector is very risky and depends on natural climate. The bank also does not provide more loan in the small & cottage industry. The reason is that the return from this sector is not very good and also the sector is very uncertain. The bank provides most of the credit facility in term loan mainly in long-term loans. Return from short-term loan is very good and also proves to be very safe to finance.
Recommendations ► The procedure of loan sanctioning should be automated to make sanctioning of loan less time consuming and reducing the risk of losing documents of disbursed loans. ► To create better client the bank should decrease the rate of interest on different sector, especially in Uttaran House Rpairing Loan and Small Business Loan. ► The bank should diversify their loans more in agriculture, forestry, fishing and new industries etc. for better economic growth of the country. ► The bank can provide student loan, doctors loan etc, this may encourage the students to come forward to do something for the economy. And also increase the amount of personal loan and consumer loan.
Recommendations Continue…….. ► ► ► ► Strong promotional activities should be increased to motivate its present potential loans related clients. More loans can be granted for new entrepreneurs, new businessman and new companies etc, which ultimately reduce “class banking” Installment period and installment time duration should be increased so that the borrower can utilize their debt facility properly for profit maximization. In case of some mortgage problem such as acquisition, proprietorship and problem of asset, the bank should try to avoid this type of loan sanction. The bank should try to increase it’s recovery amount since loan amount each year has been increased. The bank should induce quality client and select best project for risk free rate of interest. ► ► ►
Recommendations Continue…….. ► The bank can provide more loans of small scale in different sectors though it will decrease the profit a little. But it will be very safe. In a competitive financial market, the bank should innovate it’s products & services need to be focused more on customers needs. For surviving in the market, online banking facilities, ATM services and mobile Banking facilities should be provided. The bank should formulate the ethical banking or green banking both internally and externally. ► ► ►