ACT programs in Oregon Heidi Herinckx Director, Oregon Center of Excellence for Assertive Community Treatment
Welcome to the 2017 OCEACT Conference OCEACT staff Jeff Krolick, Special Projects Director Heidi Herinckx Director of OCEACT Ben Yoder, ACT statewide trainer Bobby Divine, ACT statewide trainer Kevin Hoeper, ACT statewide trainer Alyssa Kerlinger, Data Analyst OSECE staff Crystal McMahon, Director OSECE Tammy Guest, SE statewide trainer Joan Keenen, SE statewide trainer Allyson Morrison, SE statewide trainer Vanessa Taylor, SE statewide trainer
Certified ACT programs in Oregon
Number of ACT Teams by Size
New Oregon Administrative Rule ules/oars_300/oar_309/309_019.html IPS model of Supported Employment must be used as the vocational service model for ACT teams Of the 25 certified ACT programs 20 already have a Certified Supported Employment program
Competitive Employment ACT teams in Oregon 1015 ACT participants 214 (21.0%) ACT participants enrolled in SE services Of 214 in SE services 68 worked (31.7%) Of 214 in SE services 13 enrolled in school
Needs and Capacity Expansion Currently 21.0% of all ACT participants enrolled in SE services In the Future Would expect to see double the number of ACT participants enrolled in SE services (40% per program)
ACT expansion Within 12 months expect 35 total ACT teams, it is expected that 400 additional individuals will be enrolled in ACT services 1500 statewide 1500*.40 enrolled in Supported Employment =600. Enrollment is likely to increase from current 214 to 600 individuals
SE and ACT Support Oregon Supported Employment Center of Excellence SE and SEd implementation, training, and technical support, SE and SEd fidelity
Trainings available through OCEACT SE and ACT crosswalk for compatibility of Supported Employment and ACT model fidelity Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) Enhanced Illness Management and Recovery (EIMR) Cognitive Behavioral Social Skills Training (CBSST)