Making ASCCC Faculty Development More Accessible Grant Gould, ASCCC Executive Committee American River College Cleavon Smith, ASCCC Executive Committee Berkeley City College ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary November 2016
…there’s professional development for that.. 19 ASCCC Events between now and Plenary 2017 on topics such as: Supporting formerly incarcerated students Contextualized teaching and learning SLO symposium Faculty hiring Accreditation Curriculum and noncredit Faculty Leadership CTE Leadership …and more to come… Topics come out of resolutions and hot trends and mandates in the system. ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA
…but wait there’s more… Professional Development College Modules include: Focus on CTE Program and Degree Proposals The Course Outline of Record Programs and Awards Curriculum 101 ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA
ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA …and even more… Professional Learning Network (Resolution 12.01, Fall14) A2MEND Accreditation Resource Teams Local Senate Visits Technical Assistance Visit – Curriculum Technical Assistance Visit – Governance …and still more Didn’t want to propose an exhaustive list because new events and offerings surface every month. Resolution 12.01: Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges assert to statewide initiative leaders the importance of respecting the purview of the Academic Senate and local senates regarding faculty professional development; and Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and other system partners to ensure that the Board of Governors’ Standing Orders are respected and that all future assignments in the area of faculty professional development involve input and affirmation from the Academic Senate and local senates. A2MEND (African American Male Education Network Conference 1-3 March 2017 ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA
What do we mean by accessible? When the presenters say “we,” those presenters mean the body of community college faculty throughout the state. (Take feedback.) ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA
Steps to Address the ASCCC Strategic Plan Determine which faculty are not being served by the ASCCC’s current professional development offerings. Explore the use of webinars, video conferencing, and podcasts to replace in person regional meetings and replace at least one regional offering with an alternative form of delivery. To a ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA
Who’s Being Served…and how? 10 Question Survey to be distributed in December or Janurary Demographics – 2 questions College Role on Campus Familiar with the Professional Learning Network (PLN) Which areas of professional learning through the PLN are you likely to access? ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA
ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA Survey, continued… How are you currently meeting your professional development needs and obligations? Assign percentage to each. On campus flex? Off campus? Online free? Online paid? Other? What types of off campus activities do you frequent? ASCCC events Professional organizations Etc. ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA
ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA Survey, continued… What professional development opportunities would you like to see other than what’s offered through the PLN and the PDC in the coming year? What areas of interest or program topics that you would recommend we offer. In what manner would you like to receive such training? Online Off-campus 1-to-1 online self paced online webinar What groups on your campus do you feel are not being served? ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA
Alternative forms of delivery Webinars Online Modules Live streaming Others? ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA
More Questions/comments? “ More Questions/comments? ASCCC Fall 2016 Plenary, Costa Mesa, CA