New EU FP7 I3 call Identifier: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-2 Publication Date: 30 July 2009 Budget: € 115 000 000 Deadline: 24 November 2009 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) OJ Reference: OJ C177 of 30 July 2009 Specific Programme(s): Capacities Theme: Research Infrastructures The Integrating activity call is targeted towards topics, one being Detectors for future accelerators. A project under this topic should aim at integrating the key research infrastructures in Europe for the development of advanced detector technologies. A not successful application was made in 2008 (DevDet), so this application will be improved/adjusted, but with similar scope. VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
Steinar Stapnes, Cracow: VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
3D interconnection in the DevDET FP7 proposal VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
Scope of Proposal VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
Scope of the Proposal VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
Workpackages VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
WP3 objectives VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
Task Description VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
Budget of WP3.3 Total Budget: 1.25 MEuro EU contribution: 450 kEuro (request!) Probably not sufficient for the ambitious program Partners have to increase their contribution However: It’s a coordination project Main emphasis on creation of common activities: - shared design of test ASIC - common MPW - common processing of test/prototype interconnection VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
Improvements – Changes to DEVDET (general) VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009 Actually, the WP on 3D integration was mentioned explicitly and very positively in the referee’s report. This should encourage us to have such an WP again, even extended
Changes since February 2008 concerning WP3.3 The interest in 3D integration pixel detectors keeps on growing VIPS facilitation group Fermilab’s 3DIC collaboration has been established since then and is setting the path (MPW with Tezzaron and Chartered) Similar project planned at KEK (SOI with OKI) These developments need to be taken into account! In principle: more institutions should be interested to join However, many of them (actually some of the main players of DEVDET joined 3DIC. Good move, but maybe resources for DEVDET2 are now limited VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
Possibilities DEVDET2 could be complementary to 3DIC => option of post-processing (vias last) and interconnection of different technologies - high quality sensors / CMOS - different CMOS technologies for tiers 1 and 2 MPW with wafer access is still mandatory CMOS on high resistivity epi? (MAPS as tier 1) b) Try to link to 3DIC (and KEK) activities How could this be done within the EU framework? Offer access to 3DIC to a network of European groups organization of MPW (e.g. DRC) as ‘service infrastructure’ c) A combination of a) and b) => Your choice! Need input and ideas! VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009
Next steps Outline the proposal Need to circulate this proposal and find interested institutions Decide on strategy Negotiate budget (should be more than for DEVDET) Draft WP (Task description) Email and phone (EVO) meetings Proposal: VIPS to help organizing this VIPS LP09, Hamburg August 18, 2009