Computer Science Courses Intro to Object-Oriented Programming Discrete Structures Object-Oriented Programming & Data Abstraction Calculus I Computer Organization Intro IOS Programming Intro Android Programming Adv. IOS Programming Foundations of Computer Science Computer Lab Techniques Calculus II Adv. Android Programming Data Structures & Algorithms AND Computer Cryptography Intro to Info Visualization AND Artificial Intelligence Object Oriented Design Linear Algebra Theory Of Computing Operating Systems Principles of Digital Computing Digital Computer Laboratory Human Computer Interaction Web Program. Programming Languages Database Systems Web & Text Mining AND Prob. & Stat for CS Intro Comp. Game Design Intro Sys Simulation & Modeling Robotics Embedded Systems Programming System Program. and O.S. Internals Data Warehousing Machine Learning Security Mobile Dev Distributed Systems Compiler Design AND Cyber Security Introductory Mechanics Advanced Computer Architecture Concurrent Programming College Comp. II Design & Analysis of Algorithms Computers and Society Public Speaking Computer Vision Intro to Data Mining Intro to Computer Animation Intro to Computer Graphics Software Engineering I Software Engineering Lab Data Communication and Networking Four restricted electives needed Software Engineering II Senior Project Wireless Networks TCP / IP and Internet Technologies Principles Network Security Selected Topics in CS Topics Mobile Programming Adv Learning Asst Experience Computer Field Experience Lab/Science Course Required CS course Restricted Elective CS course Required Math course Highly Recommended Free Elective Required non-CS course One-way suggested Co-requisite Developed by: Department of Computer Science, 12 July 2017 Pre-requisite Co-requisite