Unannounced Behaviour Inspections
We must take account of the following: Movement Arrival and departure - prompt and calm Movement between lessons Behaviour at break and lunchtimes Staff on duty Interactions Expectations of all staff Expecting punctuality, equipment & uniform
We must take account of the following: Lessons Expectations, routines and consistency across the school Arrival and departure . Prompt and orderly Interactions & response to staff Consistent management of behaviour Equipment, uniform, chatting, ‘messing’, mobile phones Interactions with each other and language Attitude to learning (graffitti) Reward focus
Leadership of behaviour for learning Culture of expectation – everybody’s role Policy and consistent application by all. ‘Modelled’? IEU. Use and impact Alternatives to exclusion Exclusion & attendance/punctuality patterns & actions Consequence & referral records, patterns, actions Staff take responsibility for leadership in and out of lessons
Observing Teaching
Observing Teaching Moving forward there may well be no ‘grading’ of lesson feedback on an individual basis Judgements are not made on a ‘Snapshot’ from an observation rather a range of information: (Progress, marking, trends - Observations may be used to test Ofsted hypotheses) What appears to be a superb lesson may well not be and vice versa