Additional Indicators Core ENAP Indicators Additional Indicators Impact 1. Maternal Mortality Ratio 2. Stillbirth Rate Intrapartum Stillbirth Rate 3. Neonatal Mortality Rate Low birth weight rate Preterm birth rate Small for gestational age Neonatal morbidity rates , eg infection Rates of disability after neonatal conditions Coverage: Care for all mothers and newborns 4. Skilled attendant at birth Early initiation of exclusive breastfeeding 5. Early postnatal care for mothers and babies 6. Exclusive breast feeding to 6 months Complications and extra care 7. Antenatal corticosteroid use Caesarean section rate 8. Newborn resuscitation 9. Kangaroo mother care, feeding support 10. Treatment of neonatal sepsis Counting Birth registration Death registration including cause of death ENAP service delivery packages Every Mother Every Newborn Quality Initiative Care of small and sick newborn Shaded = not currently routinely tracked. Bold = indicator requiring additional evaluation for consistent measurement Teal = input package requiring norms and standards to be defined All indicators to be tracked so that they can be broken down to assess equity, e.g. urban/rural, regional, wealth quintile We need to advance definitions and measurement for 10 core Every Newborn indicators, so countries and partners can track programmatic action
Less than 2 hours of age Between 2 - 24 hours of age Between 24 - 72 hours of age Between 4 - 7 days of life 36% 29% 24% 9%
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REFERENCES + LINKS Hospitals work to prevent tragedy of dropped babies Infant Assessment and Reduction of Sudden Unexpected Postnatal Collapse Risk During Skin to Skin Contact. Susan M. Ludington Hoe, PhD, RN, CNM, CKC, FAAN, Kathy Morgan, BSN, RN, CKC, NNPBC The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding Balancing Family Bonding with Newborn Safety Pa Patient Saf Advis 2014 Sep;11(3):102-8. ry/2014/Sep;11(3)/Pages/102.aspx Skin-to-skin (Kangaroo Care) with newborns cuts down procedural pain Skin-to-skin care for procedural pain in neonates. Johnston C1, Campbell-Yeo M, Fernandes A, Inglis D, Streiner D, Zee R. Deaths and near deaths of healthy newborn infants while bed sharing on maternity wards Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition & Care (mPINC) Survey